“Small dramas” survive along with popular Seon-deok, IRIS
Amidst the hot popularity of large-scale series like MBC’s Queen Seon-deok and KBS’s IRIS, there are “small dramas” that are drawing notice for their strategic survival. Whether it’s through slightly avoiding a competing timeslot against these large-scale dramas drawing in 30% to 40% ratings, or using a subject and stars to appeal to the teenage set who remain indifferent to epic saga or sageuk dramas, they are collecting a small but solid corner of the ratings.
Airing in the same hour as IRIS is SBS’s Wednesday-Thursday drama You’re Beautiful, written by Hong Jung-eun and Hong Mi-ran of Fantasy Couple. The drama is drawing praise as its idol-group story unfolds in a comic way.
It has a topic sure to capture teenage interest, as well as Jang Geun-seok, who is the recipient of an outpouring of love from twenty- and thirtysomething noonas, and the Lee Hong-ki “card.” It is currently taking little bites out of IRIS’s popularity.
The online forum is full of comments like “I like IRIS, but I’m captivated by the entertaining You’re Beautiful.” One viewer left the comment, “I changed the channel by accident and watched for a moment, but I couldn’t forget it so I saw the reruns from Episode 1. I’ve completely fallen for it. I’ve totally converted.”
Via Asiae