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ST 员工罢工,芯片供应会受影响吗 ?


最近,芯片供应面临紧张的局面。据行业人士透露,大火引发供应危机的 AKM 难题短期难以解决。而 TI 某些芯片的原厂交货期已经拉长到 26 个礼拜。ST 的 MCU 也毫无意外地成为了重灾区。例如 030CCT6 和 030C8T6 这些料号,在市场上缺货严重。
但对于 ST 的芯片用户来说 ,他们似乎即将雪上加霜。
据 electronicsweekly 报道,从今天起,ST 的三个主要工会(CAD,CFDT 和 CGT)都在所在地的 ST 工厂上发起罢工。
昨晚在 Crolles,一些员工举行了罢工。在早上的班次中,有 60 名罢工者,在白天的班次中,约有 150 名罢工者。加元(CAD)预计夜班的罢工者为 200 名。
CAD 表示:“在 2020 年 10 月 28 日(星期三),ST 管理层对 ST 员工及其工作表现出了令人难以置信的蔑视,因为他们不承认员工的努力,因此决定今年不增加(rise)员工的工资。”
CAD 继续说,ST 管理层通过让工人支付 COVID 的费用,将其视为 mougeons (绵羊和鸽子的混合体)。
CAD 表示:“管理层通过不采用 COVID 措施而增加了 1,690 万欧元的成本,其中包括 640 万欧元的 COVID 保费和工厂补偿费,以此证明了这种不增加的理由,”CAD 表示,“因此,这证实了人们的担忧 CAD 知道,这期间发放的奖金将从所有员工的工资中收回,尤其是从不在工厂工作或无法再在工厂工作的其他雇员的工资中收回。”
CAD 总结道:“ ST 的管理层还直接和公开地为某些员工提供针对 COVID 措施的资金,这绝对是不好的。”
同时,CGT 工会指出 ,法国 ST 的 100 位高级管理人员平均每年获得 200,000 欧元,并获得 50,000 欧元的免费股票。
因为暂时并不清楚 ST 的这些工厂主要生产什么产品,停工造成的影响也不可以评估。但希望对于所有的 ST 客户来说,他们想看到的绝对不是会影响供货。
The three main unions at ST (CAD, CFDT and CGT) have called a strike at all ST sites from today.
In Crolles, some employees went on strike last night. On the morning shift there were 60 strikers and on the mid-day shift about 150. CAD expects to see 200 on strike for the night-shift.
“On Wednesday October 28, 2020, ST management showed incredible contempt for ST employees and their work by not recognising the efforts made by employees by deciding not to increase them this year, with some exceptions,” says CAD, ‘management does not recognise at all the efforts requested and made by its employees during confinement.”
CAD goes on to say that ST management treats its workers as mougeons (a hybrid of sheep and pigeons) by getting them to pay for the costs of COVID.
“Management justifies this non-increase, among other things, by the €16.9 million additional costs due to anti-COVID measures, including $6.4 million euros for COVID premiums and compensation in the factory,” says CAD, “it thus confirms the fears of the CAD to know that these bonuses distributed during confinement would be recovered from the wages of all employees, and in particular from the wages of other employees who do not work in the factory or who could no longer work there.”
“It is absolutely indecent that the management of ST also directly and openly funds the measures against COVID by the employees themselves,” concludes CAD.
Meanwhile the CGT union points out that the 100 senior executives of ST in France receive on average € 200,000 per year with € 50,000 free shares.

1楼2020-11-06 14:07回复