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5月10日,Illwinter宣布Conquest of Elysium 5正在开发中。
Conquest of Elysium 5
Conquest of Elysium 5 is the next game to be released by Illwinter Game Design. It builds on the predecessor and adds even more classes, planes, rituals, monsters, events, magic items and more. It also refines a lot of existing things, like an improved UI, better AI and an improved combat system with more varied and detailed battle terrains.
Conquest of Elysium 5 is a quick turn based fantasy strategy game with a touch of rogue-like. The game is full of depth, details and monsters. There are also a huge number of factions, each with its own unique gameplay and magic rituals.
The main focus in the CoE series is that each race plays differently. We're not talking about a unique building here and a unique unit there, we're talking about completely different playstyles, with different mechanics and different goals. Perhaps you're playing a druid, focused on amassing a vast forest and jungle empire from which to harvest ingredients to summon creatures of the woods with no practical need to conquer mines. Perhaps you're a dwarf, who's only concern is mines and produce units at a set rate every turn, focused almost entirely on upgrading those units to survive as long as possible since they are so difficult to replace. Perhaps you are a Scourge Lord, who’s pyramids of power drain the very life force from Elysium and channel it to him and his Heralds. With 24 different factions that alone is enough to keep your play dynamic as you vie for control of the map to conquer Elysium.
New for the 5th version of Conquest of Elysium is four additional planes to interact with, boats and ports which enables players to travel to islands beyond the main continent of Elysium, three new factions, new rituals and summons for the existing factions, new battle maps for different fortifications, new independent factions that fight each other, new monsters, more and different random events, and much more.
The game has ten different planes. There is for instance an Infernal plane that is the home of the devils and the demons. So if a demonologist manages to summon a demon lord, there will suddenly be a dark citadel without its master in inferno. Banishing a devil will force it back to inferno instead of slaying it permanently. Although extremely difficult it is possible to permanently destroy a demon lord by storming inferno and slaying it on that plane. Although there are many planes you will only rarely have to visit them. But they continue to run in the background and make certain actions or random events more exciting. Among the new planes in CeE5 is the sky-realm above Elysium. From the clouds flying armies might descend upon the inhabitants of Elysium, only to take to the skies and retreat if their losses were significant. But the clouds are not unattainable. Beanstalks, rainbows and tall mountain spires allow ground-born armies to ascend to the clouds.
Most factions start with a random set of rituals, a random set of combat spells and together with the random map that will ensure that no two games are the same. More rituals and spells can be learned during the game if you have the right resources and find the right locations. In addition to the aggressive wildlife of Elysium there's also random events to contend with, from bumper harvests and bandits, to the very gates of the underworld opening into Elysium. Your hands will be full before you even make contact with the enemy.

IP属地:上海1楼2021-05-23 10:18回复


    Baron增加了一个新的2级仪式任命家臣(Appoint Vassal)

    这幅图是新增的天空国度,地形为空中,从该位面能够看到下层的埃律西姆。图中出现了以dominions系列中的Caelum为原型的新派系,出现的单位有Cloud Lord(云领主)和Airya Archer(艾尔雅弓箭手)。使用的资源为宝石,图中确认有水系宝石和气系宝石。右方命令栏中有向下飞(Fly Downwards)的命令。

    沙漠这幅图中出现了蛇部落(Serpent Tribe)

    这幅图名为怪物猪(Monster Boar),图中远古森林(Ancient Forest)有新的标签,类似帐篷,可能是野怪点的标签。图中淡紫色单位可能是作者提到的野外独立派系。图中还可以看到水中的海藻林新地形。



    IP属地:上海2楼2021-05-23 10:20

      新派系苦痛之主(Scourge Lord),看起来是以dominions系列中Ubar、Naba一系为原型。使用的资源金字塔也可以在图中看到。

      图中是强大的古龙,拥有3级幻影魔法,左边的部队列表中可以看到狗头人(Kobold)和龙人(Dragon Spawns)等新单位,应该也是三个新增派系之一。

      新地形抄写之城(City of Scribes),有两个贸易点、二级图书馆的城市。


      IP属地:上海3楼2021-05-23 10:20

        IP属地:中国台湾4楼2021-05-27 03:13

          IP属地:德国来自Android客户端5楼2021-05-29 04:36
            News from the Beta
            Heya! I'm part of the beta testing team and we've recently been given permission to start talking about a few things in public. Now, there's a lot of new content in the game itself that we're not supposed to talk too much about, but I figured I might take this opportunity to - somewhat informally - discuss some of the more technical changes to the game, and give a brief overview of the three new classes currently in the beta test.
            Workshop Support
            Kristoffer mentioned this in the modding wishlist thread already, but I thought I'd take a moment to mention this somewhere more visible. You will be able to upload and download mods from the Steam Workshop. I don't think this works with maps at the moment, but that shouldn't be too difficult.
            Public Multiplayer Lobby
            There will no longer be any need for port forwarding or to rely on third-party tools like Hamachi or Discord bots to host your games. Illwinter now has a server of their own. When you hop into the Lobby from the "Network" menu, you'll be greeted with a list of active games (which may or may not be password protected) and given the option of starting your own.
            Map Modding with Planes
            When designing maps, you can edit other planes, not just Elysium itself. And you can, of course, place portals and create connections between them.
            I won't spoil y'all too much on the new classes, but y'all probably won't get too hurt if I give you a brief overview of what they are, right?

            IP属地:上海来自Android客户端6楼2021-06-16 09:09
              Kobold King
              The Kobold King is, in principle, the reincarnation of the Draconian from Conquest of Elysium 2, though with a lot of changes. The Kobold King has access to frail but incredibly numerous kobolds of five different subtypes, four of which can be made to spawn from greater mines (i.e. not coal mines) for a one-time cost in gold and iron. The Kobold King uses elemental gems for various rituals, including summoning dragons to protect your mines. As the game progresses, the Kobold King's armies will progress from swarms of fragile and weak troops, to huge swarms of fragilebuthard-hitting troops and mages.
              Scourge Lord
              The Scourge Lord makes use of a new resource called "Life Force", which is generated through constructing Pillars of Power in various locations on Elysium. The power these Pillars generate is determined by how rich in life the area around it is - and as time passes, the Pillar will destroy that life. Partly inspired by the Dark Sun setting of D&D fame, a successful Scourge Lord will slowly turn the entire world into a barren desert in his pursuit of power. The main use of Life Force is summoning a variety of monsters themed around decay, though there's a few other uses for it. Even in combat, the Scourge Lord's defilement magic requires life force to be used - in the absence of nearby plant life, allied soldiers provide an equally ample supply of it.

              IP属地:上海来自Android客户端7楼2021-06-16 09:09
                Cloud Lord
                The Cloud Lord can be seen as an air-themed counterpart to the earth-themed Pale Ones. Like how the Pale Ones now start in Agartha, the Cloud Lord starts in the sky. The Cloud Lord shares a lot of its magic with the Warlock, but is much more focused on the element of Air and on Storm Magic, and have access to a slightly altered list of summons. The Cloud Lord's recruitable troops can all fly, and many of them have magic weapons. While the Cloud Lord's magic mainly uses sapphires, other types of gems can be used for a small number of more specialized rituals, and also to recruit certain elite troops.

                IP属地:上海来自Android客户端8楼2021-06-16 09:10

                  IP属地:上海来自Android客户端10楼2021-08-09 21:17

                    IP属地:中国台湾11楼2021-08-22 19:54