Training Arena Stat Gains
When a character levels up in the Battle Preparation’s training arena (but not the arenas on the map), the number of stats that they gain is slightly fixed. The character’s full (personal + class) growth rates are summed up for all stats that aren’t yet capped, and for each 100% the character will be guaranteed one stat gain, while the remaining percentage is the chance of the character gaining a further stat point.
Eg. The sum of Marth’s full growth rates is 395% (when no stats are capped), which means that he will always gain at least 3 stat ups and has a 95% chance of gaining a fourth stat.
So if you’re only concerned about gaining the most number of stat points, the best classes to train as would be Fighter or Warrior (growth rate total of 115%) for males with access to Reclass set B and Cavalier, Paladin, Archer, Sniper, Myrmidon or Swordmaster (growth rate total of 90%) for other characters who can Reclass. The Maturity Drop also helps, boosting a character’s growth rate total by 90%.