找遍全网找不到这首歌的live,网友说因为公司害怕harry and lou's look (心疼larry😭)
一开始是莉莉吗(到talk about)
第一次的they don't know about us 又是谁唱的呢....是卷吗
对不起我纯属瞎猜 😭😭😭😭
Every kiss is getting sweeter 是奶吗?
紧接着的这几句一起唱they don't know有一个很清晰的声音又是谁呢...
我唯一能确定这几句比较高且清澈是丝唱的(they dk how special you r),
我的耳朵真的不可以 😭😭😭😭😭
People say we shouldn't be together
Too young to know about forever
But I say they don't know
What they talk, talk, talking about (talk, talk, talking about)
'Cause this love is only getting stronger
So I don't wanna wait any longer
I just wanna tell the world that you're mine girl, oh
They don't know about the things we do
They don't know about the I love you's
But I bet you if they only knew (they don't know)
They would just be jealous of us
They don't know about the up all nights
They don't know I've waited all my life
Just to find a love that feels this right (they don't know)
Baby they don't know about, they don't know about us
Just one touch and I was a believer
Every kiss it gets a little sweeter
It's getting better
Keeps getting better all the time girl
They don't know about the things we do
They don't know about the I love you's
But I bet you if they only knew (they don't know)
They would just be jealous of us
They don't know about the up all nights
They don't know I've waited all my life
Just to find a love that feels this right (they don't know)
Baby they don't know about, they don't know about us
They don't know how special you are
They don't know what you've done to my heart
They can say anything they want
'Cause they don't know about us
They don't know what we do best
That's between me and you, our little secret
But I wanna tell 'em
I wanna tell the world that you're mine girl
They don't know about the things we do
They don't know about the I love you's (I love you)
But I bet you if they only knew (if they only knew)
They would just be jealous of us (they would just be jealous of us)
They don't know about the up all nights
They don't know I've waited all my life
Just to find a love that feels this right (it feels so right)
Baby they don't know about
They don't know about the things we do ('bout us)
They don't know about the I love you's ('bout us)
But I bet you if they only knew ('bout us)
They would just be jealous of us
They don't know about the up all nights
They don't know I've waited all my life
Just to find a love that feels this right
Baby they don't know about, they don't know about us
3.24 看到小破团现场视频了,(前几天一直单曲循环perfect),突然有种强烈的冲动要把每只队员搞搞清楚(卷的特征太明显,不搜我也知道😂,记住名字就好啦,成就+1
好吧,必须承认莉莉和渣真的太难认了对于我来说,我真的想不到之前那个发型像比伯的可爱莉莉是后来的sexy 莉莉哈哈哈哈哈哈 成就+200!!!)
3.25 strip that down 和 slow hands来回循环
3.26 中午还在美滋滋欣赏strip that down 肥伦秀现场(无限循环)和larry视频,然后在相关推荐里打开了ziam视频.....
然后看到了ziam sexual tension,我就知道我完了,我完了,我完了
3.27 凌晨刷到zouis,陷入自我怀疑?
早上开始各种搜zouis,搜出来的片段也很甜美,但是似乎没ziam劲爆,这不重要,重要的是动摇了我坚定的shipper信念。在此之前,我坚信larry is real, ziam is real,但是随着片段越多,我越觉得他们彼此之间关系都很好,都很有爱,我不是以偏概全了?(但是那些larry, ziam 片段那么真!尤其larry尖叫!但是ziam让我欲罢不能啊!!!)
下午搜索莉莉近况,(我真的好喜欢他),搜到21年11月,liam dropped by his management comoany amid concern over his partying lifestyle.
lou钱最少,还被逮过一次?我没看懂是为什么,tackle sb是跟人发生冲突了吗? 照片里瘦的吓人
女儿两三岁?具体忘记了(之前看larry视频说孩子是假的,我不了解的真的太多了,补不过来了 😭😭😭
然后liam和 zayn估值并列
liam 最近消息称 和未婚妻Henry过的很好,驾驶私人飞机去打高尔夫,尽管为减少碳足迹发声了,说要在高尔夫上超过奶
音乐排名一次比一次低 说还没找到自己的音乐定位
zayn被起诉说 家暴丈母娘??(我这里完全没看懂)把她推到梳妆台桌子上了? 要probation缓刑 要服监禁,管理公司说没办法帮助他恢复正规,他已经完全不可控
孩子我记得1岁好像 ?21年10月左右和女友gigi分手
找遍全网找不到这首歌的live,网友说因为公司害怕harry and lou's look (心疼larry😭)
一开始是莉莉吗(到talk about)
第一次的they don't know about us 又是谁唱的呢....是卷吗
对不起我纯属瞎猜 😭😭😭😭
Every kiss is getting sweeter 是奶吗?
紧接着的这几句一起唱they don't know有一个很清晰的声音又是谁呢...
我唯一能确定这几句比较高且清澈是丝唱的(they dk how special you r),
我的耳朵真的不可以 😭😭😭😭😭
People say we shouldn't be together
Too young to know about forever
But I say they don't know
What they talk, talk, talking about (talk, talk, talking about)
'Cause this love is only getting stronger
So I don't wanna wait any longer
I just wanna tell the world that you're mine girl, oh
They don't know about the things we do
They don't know about the I love you's
But I bet you if they only knew (they don't know)
They would just be jealous of us
They don't know about the up all nights
They don't know I've waited all my life
Just to find a love that feels this right (they don't know)
Baby they don't know about, they don't know about us
Just one touch and I was a believer
Every kiss it gets a little sweeter
It's getting better
Keeps getting better all the time girl
They don't know about the things we do
They don't know about the I love you's
But I bet you if they only knew (they don't know)
They would just be jealous of us
They don't know about the up all nights
They don't know I've waited all my life
Just to find a love that feels this right (they don't know)
Baby they don't know about, they don't know about us
They don't know how special you are
They don't know what you've done to my heart
They can say anything they want
'Cause they don't know about us
They don't know what we do best
That's between me and you, our little secret
But I wanna tell 'em
I wanna tell the world that you're mine girl
They don't know about the things we do
They don't know about the I love you's (I love you)
But I bet you if they only knew (if they only knew)
They would just be jealous of us (they would just be jealous of us)
They don't know about the up all nights
They don't know I've waited all my life
Just to find a love that feels this right (it feels so right)
Baby they don't know about
They don't know about the things we do ('bout us)
They don't know about the I love you's ('bout us)
But I bet you if they only knew ('bout us)
They would just be jealous of us
They don't know about the up all nights
They don't know I've waited all my life
Just to find a love that feels this right
Baby they don't know about, they don't know about us
3.24 看到小破团现场视频了,(前几天一直单曲循环perfect),突然有种强烈的冲动要把每只队员搞搞清楚(卷的特征太明显,不搜我也知道😂,记住名字就好啦,成就+1
好吧,必须承认莉莉和渣真的太难认了对于我来说,我真的想不到之前那个发型像比伯的可爱莉莉是后来的sexy 莉莉哈哈哈哈哈哈 成就+200!!!)
3.25 strip that down 和 slow hands来回循环
3.26 中午还在美滋滋欣赏strip that down 肥伦秀现场(无限循环)和larry视频,然后在相关推荐里打开了ziam视频.....
然后看到了ziam sexual tension,我就知道我完了,我完了,我完了
3.27 凌晨刷到zouis,陷入自我怀疑?
早上开始各种搜zouis,搜出来的片段也很甜美,但是似乎没ziam劲爆,这不重要,重要的是动摇了我坚定的shipper信念。在此之前,我坚信larry is real, ziam is real,但是随着片段越多,我越觉得他们彼此之间关系都很好,都很有爱,我不是以偏概全了?(但是那些larry, ziam 片段那么真!尤其larry尖叫!但是ziam让我欲罢不能啊!!!)
下午搜索莉莉近况,(我真的好喜欢他),搜到21年11月,liam dropped by his management comoany amid concern over his partying lifestyle.
lou钱最少,还被逮过一次?我没看懂是为什么,tackle sb是跟人发生冲突了吗? 照片里瘦的吓人
女儿两三岁?具体忘记了(之前看larry视频说孩子是假的,我不了解的真的太多了,补不过来了 😭😭😭
然后liam和 zayn估值并列
liam 最近消息称 和未婚妻Henry过的很好,驾驶私人飞机去打高尔夫,尽管为减少碳足迹发声了,说要在高尔夫上超过奶
音乐排名一次比一次低 说还没找到自己的音乐定位
zayn被起诉说 家暴丈母娘??(我这里完全没看懂)把她推到梳妆台桌子上了? 要probation缓刑 要服监禁,管理公司说没办法帮助他恢复正规,他已经完全不可控
孩子我记得1岁好像 ?21年10月左右和女友gigi分手