官网在5月31号发布了名为《midnight star》的诗,应该也是跟第四季有关 Elarion, trembling seed, lay down to earth in icy night, and in the cold her roots took hold defying winter’s deathly bite. Elarion, fading bloom, afraid to wilt and dim and die, she searched the dark for but a spark and caught the dragons’ hungry eye. Elarion, frightened waif, reached bone-white branches to the night, the stars she asked their light to cast and stop the dragons’ fiery might. Elarion, unworthy whelp, Wept as the stars turned black the sky, They donned their masks They turned their backs, And left Elarion to die. Elarion, dying husk, did wilt and whimper in the dark, ‘till the last star Reached from afar His touch: a blaze, a gift, a spark. Elarion, searing white, Embraced the great one’s night-black flame. And when she bowed, Her faith avowed, He whispered, “Aaravos,” his name. Elarion, black-eyed child, her twisted roots spread deep and far, The humans’ might sparked by the light of Aaravos, her midnight star. elarion应该是设定里因为使用黑魔法而被老龙Sol Regem摧毁的人类城市的名字,这首诗应该是说人类在xadia生存艰难,向星空祈祷却只得到了最后一颗星,也就是aaravous的帮助。而这帮助就是让人类学会了黑魔法。