听闻Bernard Cribbins老爷子逝世的消息,倍感悲痛。看其他人说,他一生为英国电视届作出了巨大贡献,称之为国家级演员也不为过。我虽未曾有幸欣赏过他的其他作品,但仅《神秘博士》中Wilf这一个角色就让我动情。Wilf风趣幽默,还很能让人共情,他跟博士的几次告别每次都能看哭我。几个月之前,他曾和David、Catherine一同出现在60周年特辑的拍摄片场,万分希望他的戏份已经拍摄完毕,或是至少能以某种方式剪辑到成品中,既是对Wilf的美好收场,也是对这位传奇演员的最后一次致敬。RTD写了很长的话悼念Bernard,说他自带道具来片场,还自编自演了用彩弹枪射Dalek的那一幕,真是个可爱的人啊。Thanks for giving us Wilf, Bernard. Rest in peace.
"Every night, Doctor, when it gets dark, and the stars come out... I'll look up at the sky, and think of you."Bernard Cribbins (1928-2022)

"Every night, Doctor, when it gets dark, and the stars come out... I'll look up at the sky, and think of you."Bernard Cribbins (1928-2022)