8 月 30 日铁门组发布了 0.210.6 版本的补丁,实际上是正式实装了 8 月 12 日发布的关于存档的测试服更新。这次更新解决了贴吧里大批玩家求助过的”游戏突然崩溃,重进以后角色身上的装备还在,但是世界重置了“的恶性 Bug,并调整了游戏的自动存档功能。约两个月前官方就在 Reddit 论坛上发表了一篇极为详尽的存档系统解释与进度找回教程,无奈翻译工程量太大,国内大多数用户也没有逛 Reddit 的习惯。本贴仅简单翻译一下本次更新的更新日志,沙发会留下 Reddit 教程地址的线索。
* Autobackup system added that will keep one 2-hour and one 12-hour backup by default and can be customised in misc settings. Default setting on dedicated servers is 4, which can be customised with new parameters (-backups -backupshort -backuplong).
增加了自动存档打包系统,默认设置下会保持每 2 小时一次和 12 小时一次的频率进行存档,可在”设置-其他“中自行调整。默认设置下专用服务器的设置值为 4,可通过新参数 (-backups -backupshort -backuplong) 进行调整。
* The game will now save after you sleep, or at 30 minute intervals, and the timer is reset when using the manual save console command. The save interval can be customised on dedicated servers using the new parameter (-saveinterval).
现在游戏会在你睡觉后或间隔 30 分钟进行保存,该计时器可通过手动输入控制台命令”保存“来重置。专用服务器的对应数值可通过新参数 (-saveinterval) 调整。
* Using the console save command now also saves the character file
* The dedicated server manual PDF has been updated with the new parameters.
专用服务器指南 PDF 已更新,增加了上述的新参数相关内容。
* World save gets disabled if it’s a corrupted world file or if it’s an incompatible world version and the game will return to the main menu. Dedicated servers will shut down if the world is corrupt.
* A change to Steam Cloud saves to avoid a particular crash during saves that could corrupt the world save.
修改 Steam 云存档功能,避免了保存时会导致世界损坏的特定崩溃。
* The game returns to a pause state if a multiplayer host is alone in a multiplayer session if all players leave (like it was previously).
* Players can no longer create a world with the same name when Steam Cloud saves are enabled.
在开启 Steam 云存档时,玩家将不能创建两个名称相同的世界。
* Characters with duplicate filenames will now be hidden.
* Characters with different names from the filename will be displayed to differentiate between renamed files
* Local and legacy characters will now be deleted properly if Steam Cloud is enabled
* Beehive VFX on-hit fix
* Removed the ability to craft/build the Midsummer items
* Autobackup system added that will keep one 2-hour and one 12-hour backup by default and can be customised in misc settings. Default setting on dedicated servers is 4, which can be customised with new parameters (-backups -backupshort -backuplong).
增加了自动存档打包系统,默认设置下会保持每 2 小时一次和 12 小时一次的频率进行存档,可在”设置-其他“中自行调整。默认设置下专用服务器的设置值为 4,可通过新参数 (-backups -backupshort -backuplong) 进行调整。
* The game will now save after you sleep, or at 30 minute intervals, and the timer is reset when using the manual save console command. The save interval can be customised on dedicated servers using the new parameter (-saveinterval).
现在游戏会在你睡觉后或间隔 30 分钟进行保存,该计时器可通过手动输入控制台命令”保存“来重置。专用服务器的对应数值可通过新参数 (-saveinterval) 调整。
* Using the console save command now also saves the character file
* The dedicated server manual PDF has been updated with the new parameters.
专用服务器指南 PDF 已更新,增加了上述的新参数相关内容。
* World save gets disabled if it’s a corrupted world file or if it’s an incompatible world version and the game will return to the main menu. Dedicated servers will shut down if the world is corrupt.
* A change to Steam Cloud saves to avoid a particular crash during saves that could corrupt the world save.
修改 Steam 云存档功能,避免了保存时会导致世界损坏的特定崩溃。
* The game returns to a pause state if a multiplayer host is alone in a multiplayer session if all players leave (like it was previously).
* Players can no longer create a world with the same name when Steam Cloud saves are enabled.
在开启 Steam 云存档时,玩家将不能创建两个名称相同的世界。
* Characters with duplicate filenames will now be hidden.
* Characters with different names from the filename will be displayed to differentiate between renamed files
* Local and legacy characters will now be deleted properly if Steam Cloud is enabled
* Beehive VFX on-hit fix
* Removed the ability to craft/build the Midsummer items