很多人在进入游戏后会显示错误代码1,000,018,808 ,无法连接服务器,无论更换各种加速器和节点、重新安装游戏都无法解决问题,最近从网上看了很多关于解决办法的帖子,把方法整理如下,基本可以解决大部分人的问题。
二:如果上述办法依然不能解决,用管理员身份打开Windows shell,然后把下面这段话复制进去后按回车,系统会自动更新数字签名,然后重启电脑后,问题基本都能解决。
md C:\temp\certs
CertUtil –generateSSTFromWU C:\temp\certs\RootStore.sst
$file=Get-ChildItem -Path C:\temp\certs\Rootstore.sst
$file | Import-Certificate -CertStoreLocation Cert:\LocalMachine\Root\

I have the fix for you bro,
Open power shell as admin then paste these commands in order, then restart your pc and try again;
md C:\temp\certs
CertUtil –generateSSTFromWU C:\temp\certs\RootStore.sst
$file=Get-ChildItem -Path C:\temp\certs\Rootstore.sst
$file | Import-Certificate -CertStoreLocation Cert:\LocalMachine\Root\
The reason this error occurs is because there is an unsigned certificate in your windows certificate store and what this does is update them.”
二:如果上述办法依然不能解决,用管理员身份打开Windows shell,然后把下面这段话复制进去后按回车,系统会自动更新数字签名,然后重启电脑后,问题基本都能解决。
md C:\temp\certs
CertUtil –generateSSTFromWU C:\temp\certs\RootStore.sst
$file=Get-ChildItem -Path C:\temp\certs\Rootstore.sst
$file | Import-Certificate -CertStoreLocation Cert:\LocalMachine\Root\

I have the fix for you bro,
Open power shell as admin then paste these commands in order, then restart your pc and try again;
md C:\temp\certs
CertUtil –generateSSTFromWU C:\temp\certs\RootStore.sst
$file=Get-ChildItem -Path C:\temp\certs\Rootstore.sst
$file | Import-Certificate -CertStoreLocation Cert:\LocalMachine\Root\
The reason this error occurs is because there is an unsigned certificate in your windows certificate store and what this does is update them.”