"I'm Alex, I'm from Ashford, Kent. I think Skins is the opportunity of a lifetime and I couldn't believe I'd got the part, particularly when I haven't really done a lot of acting before so I was really surprised to get through! It's a great feeling to get the part through the open audition process. I auditioned in London, turned up with a few of my friends and was met by masses of other people auditioning. I didn't think there would be much point but I stuck it out and I made it through
Sean Teale

"Hello, I'm Sean and I'm from London. I got the part the day before my birthday so it was the best birthday present I could have ever hoped for! It's really strange to think I'm part of this new series. It hasn't really sunk in that I'm in the cast yet. So far I've had the best time filming. I'm having fun and I'm so lucky to be part of this incredible legacy!"