The most important advancement in the Eclipse is its main weapon, a spine-mounted superlaser modeled on the main weapon of the Death Star itself. The Death Star’s prime weapon was composed of eight individual lasers that could focus together, generating enough power to destroy an entire planet. By comparison, the Eclipse carries only a single laser, but recent focusing and generator advances make this ray much more powerful than the units used on the Death Star. The beam packs enough destructive power to shatter the most powerful planetary shields and sear whole continents in a flash. 根据黑暗帝国手册得出日蚀下限为八分之一死星(这里提到日蚀的激光器比死星主炮的八个激光器单体更强,总不能还不到八分之一吧)。所以得出日蚀上限可达十几倍标准爆星