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fc25 补丁4即将上线


●更新了 AI 进攻球员在确定传球后是否应该向前跑动时的逻辑。
●担任控球角色的 AI 防守型中场现在可以将自己定位在球场更靠前的位置。
●更新了在蓝牌下进行 Rush 防守时的 AI 球员位置逻辑。
●在训练中心罚球期间可以看到传球训练师 UI。
●在 Rush 比赛中,所有球员都可能触发部分球队紧逼,而不是队长。
● Rush 罚球期间不显示罚球倒计时 UI。
●在某些情况下,CPU AI 的防守者没有正确标记持球者。

IP属地:北京来自Android客户端1楼2024-11-05 07:46回复
    ● Updated AI attacking player logic when determining if a forward run should be made following a pass.
    ●AI Defensive Midfielders in the Holding Role can now position themselves further up the pitch.
    ● Updated defender logic when determining which foot to use when making a slide tackle.
    ● During Rush penalty shootouts, inactive players will stand at the halfway line in shootout order.
    ● Player substitutions did not always occur at the earliest possible opportunity.
    ● Addressed instances of the defensive line pushing up the pitch too quickly in scenarios where the attacking team passes back to midfield from the final third.
    ● The Heel To Ball Roll Skill Move was not always performed when requested.
    ● Sometimes, ground crosses could have sent the ball too far ahead of the intended receiver.
    ● After performing a Skill Move, dribbling could have become less responsive in certain situations.
    ● Following a pass that became a loose ball, an incorrect auto switch to the initially intended pass receiver could have occurred.
    ● Addressed instances of Directed runs not functioning or triggering as intended.
    ● Improved goalkeeper logic when considering in which area of the pitch to push the ball to when making a deflection save.
    ● Updated AI player position logic when defending in Rush under a blue card.
    ● In some cases, incorrect player animations could have occurred when attempting to control the ball.
    ● In rare situations, the ball could have moved as if it received a touch from the player before the player had control of the ball.
    ● Addressed instances of the ball passing through players unintentionally.
    ● Addressed instances of an incorrect auto switch occurring following a slide tackle from the defender.
    ● The passing Trainer UI could have been visible during Training Center penalty kicks.
    ● In Rush matches, all players could have triggered a Partial Team Press instead of Captains.
    ● The penalty kick countdown UI did not display during Rush penalties.
    ● Improved referee fou

    IP属地:北京来自Android客户端2楼2024-11-05 07:47

      IP属地:上海来自Android客户端3楼2024-11-05 08:22

        IP属地:云南来自Android客户端4楼2024-11-05 09:19

          IP属地:陕西来自Android客户端5楼2024-11-05 09:25

            IP属地:江西来自Android客户端6楼2024-11-05 09:59

              IP属地:四川7楼2024-11-05 11:05

                IP属地:中国香港来自iPhone客户端8楼2024-11-05 11:31

                  IP属地:江苏来自Android客户端9楼2024-11-05 12:34