那些过时的幻想、梦想与无法割舍的感情,在我们经历无数告别后,变成独有的记忆。透过音乐转动回忆的走马灯,我们由此重温青春的滋味。 《secondhand memories》是本地诗式流行二人组合 per se 的第七个音乐企划。青葱校园时光是我们成长中最珍贵的时代,亦塑造了我们成为一个怎样的大人。时光荏苒,与我们走散的人愈来愈多,拥有共同经历的人愈来愈少。青春回忆中的色彩,唯有与我们并肩经历的人才能看到。过往种种的美好与遗憾,我们清楚记得,却又无法再次言喻,怀旧的苦涩大概如此。 《secondhand memories》中的故事是二手的。也许你们会察觉相似,但又有所不同。无论如何,「二手回忆」只是一个引子,只有亲身经历才能体验箇中感觉,这本来就是回忆的美。从过去的日子中,找回自己,重拾迈向未来的期盼,过更少遗憾的生活。 《secondhand memories》English description: secondhand memories is the 7th project from poetic pop duo per se. We believe that our school years are some of the most important years of one's life. Who and what one becomes might truly be molded by one's experiences and memories from youth. As an adult, we find that there has always been a barrier when sharing our youthful memories to others and only those who have experienced these experiences firsthand with us can truly understand and empathize. But as the years go by and after countless goodbyes, time slowly takes away these friends who we share mutual memories with. One by one, there exists less and less people who completely understand our experiences from the most important years of one's life. secondhand memories is a concept album by poetic pop duo per se which explores the colors of youth, the haunting of regrets and the bitterness of nostalgia. The new album takes the listener back to key moments of school life and growing up using youthful stories of what once was. With these past memories as a reminder, per se hopes to inspire listeners no matter their age to continue looking forward to the future and living a life of fewer regrets. That being said, these memories presented by per se are at the end of the day secondhand to the listener and only one can experience what one can experience. That in itself, is the beauty of memories.