My friend's acapella group Chaverim performs their new arrangement for the first time ~ singing (and dancing!) the Korean pop song "Sorry Sorry" by Super Junior (슈퍼주니어).
【我朋友的合唱(清唱)团Chaverim第一次表演了他们的新尝试~唱(加跳)韩国流行歌曲, by Super Junior (슈퍼주니어)的"Sorry Sorry"。】
None of them speak Korean. So many people in the audience recognized the song; it was really fun to listen to (and watch!!). :)
【他们没有一个会韩语。观众里有很多人都听过这首歌, 享受听(和看)他们的表演。】
Performed December 2010.
(这是我在utube上认识的美国朋友, 转载得到了允许)