我的那些从未被言语所捕获的思绪就栖息在我的歌声和舞姿里。(Those thoughts of mine arenever captured by words perch upon my songs and dances.)
我的爱,你的笑靥宛如一朵奇花的清香,纯净而不可言说。(Your smile, my love, like the smell of a strange flower, is simple and inexplicable.)
孩子啊,你将熏风和春水的咿呀、繁花静掩的秘密、流云的迷梦、拂晓天际的无声探视一一带进了我的心怀。(Child, thou bringest to my heart the babble of the wind and the water,the flowers speechless secrets, the clouds' dreams, the mute gaze of wonder of the morning sky.)
你将自己的回忆当做一缕火苗,遗留在我离愁的孤灯里。(You leave your memory as a flame to my lonely lamp of separation.)
名不过实的人才有福气。(Blessed is he whose fame does not outshine his truth.)
让你的音乐,像一把利剑,刺穿市井心中的喧哗吧。(Let your music, like a sword, pierce the noise of the market to its heart.)
少女啊,你的清纯宛若湖水的郁蓝,透出你深邃的真实。(Maiden, your simplicity, likethe blueness of the lake, reveals your depth of truth.)
我想象,在那群星中必有一颗星引领我的人生穿行过那不可知的暗域。(Let me think thatthere is one among those stars that guides my life through the dark unknown.)
—— 《你是我的星》
想行善的人去叩门,有爱心的人却看见门是开着的。(He who wants to do good knocks atthe gate; he who loves finds the gate upon.)
别让我的爱成为你的重负,朋友,要知道它自己会得到偿还。(Let not my love be a burden on you, my friend, know that it pays itself.)
让我的爱像阳光,环绕着你并赋予你闪亮的自由。(Let my love, like sunlight, surround you and yet give you illumined freedom.)
相聚的灯火长燃着,熄灭在别离的刹那。(The lamp of meeting burns long; it goes outin a moment at the parting.)
当人变成一头野兽时,他会比野兽更加凶残。(Man is worse than an animal when he is an animal.)