和蓝一起爱苏醒吧 关注:205贴子:35,097
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I Will Be There For You是苏醒的歌曲“身旁”的英文版,这首歌延续了“苏式情歌”的旋律,尤其是那种淡淡的温暖,慢慢的情调,让人听起来特别的温馨和感动! 典型的苏式情歌,雅痞苏就是可以在你耳边娓娓道来他诠释的浪漫,情歌就是这样,不需要你哭天抢地声嘶力竭的爆破唱腔,只要用心百分百的投入,就可以收获一份感动!
我就在身旁,对你说“I Will Be There For You”

IP属地:云南1楼2012-08-08 00:00回复
    歌曲:I Will Be There For You
    Baby I know that
    when you were looking through my eyes
    It was over then the pedals had withered
    Baby I know you
    there is nothing you can explain
    You told me so I m not the one to follow
    I ll be there for you if you re hurting
    And the smile on your face is gone
    I will know let you go fly off tomorrow
    I ll be there for you long as I breathe
    there is always a place you can go
    I ll give you my strength for tomorrow
    Baby the bedroom still holds
    the smell of your sweet skin
    I miss it so but you are on your way now
    The road you will travel is somewhere
    that I cannot hold onto you
    I told you so
    you have dreams you should follow
    And if it comes to this
    I wish you the best I can never lie
    And even though I cannot hold you now
    I ll send you off to fly
    And so I will go right there
    And I can do anything
    I would do anything give you my heart and I swear
    And I swear on you
    I ll be there for you if you re hurting
    And the smile on your face is gone
    I will know it s time for me to let you go
    I ll be there for you long as I breathe
    there is always a place you can go
    I ll give you my strength for tomorrow

    IP属地:云南2楼2012-08-08 00:01


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