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这次QA有许多有价值的内容,比如新的飓风线 ,优化问题,亚服等

IP属地:江苏来自Android客户端1楼2017-12-08 18:55回复
    Q:Any plans for landing and repairing as well as landing to capture points?
    A:Wewould like to see an interesting implementation of landing and takeoffourselves. But in our opinion it should not just be an additional step for aplayer to enter the battle or repair their aircraft, but also have anunderlying mechanic and meaning. Until we have a real working prototype thatwe’re satisfied with we can’t say anything specific.

    IP属地:江苏2楼2017-12-08 18:55
      Q:Any plans for a proper optimization?
      A:Optimizationis being worked on constantly, in fact we added a new technology that willallow us to reduce memory usage just in the latest patch. This work willcontinue throughout 2018 as well.
      Thatbeing said, there’s another side to it that we’d like to draw attention to. Ifyou compare the 2.0 version of battles and the 1.x, you’ll see that we now havesignificantly more stuff going on. Instead of just 30 player aircraft we havedefenders and NPC bomber flights, all of them are taking damage and shootingback. We have much more detailed objects on the territories with spectaculardestruction animations, the missile, etc. Additionally, there’s much moregraphic effects on screen and we’re constantly adding new ones or updating theexisting. In 1.x our engine would not allow any of that, and we pushed itslimits in 2.0 quite far. At the same time performance remained roughly thesame, so simply speaking we now have a lot more stuff going on that costs aboutthe same in terms of performance. That’s optimization too.

      IP属地:江苏3楼2017-12-08 18:56
        Q:Back when 2.0.1 was launched, loot crates were removed from the missions, andthe bomber parts could be bought using tickets. The patch notes said they wouldbe removed Feb 1, 2018. Why is this?
        A:Lateron those bombers will become common premium aircraft. But at the same time wewill add a bomber branch that can be researched and purchased in a regular way.

        IP属地:江苏5楼2017-12-08 18:57
          Q:When are bomber branches planned on being added and what nations?
          A:Atthe moment we are working on three bomber branches. Every one of them hasunique features and gameplay style. Very soon you will see three lower to mid-tiermedium bombers from Germany, in particular, the Do 17Z and Ju 88. Higher tiermachines will appear in later updates. Another branch that we are working onare Soviet medium bombers codenamed “Pe-2 branch”. And finally (and, probably,most exciting for our NA players) — there are plans to add the largest andheaviest of bombers that ever existed – the Flying Fortresses.
          A:我们现在在做的有3条线,每一条线都有其特色以及玩法。很快你就会看到3加中低级的德国金币轰炸机,Do 17Z和Ju 88.更高级的以后会出。另一条线是苏联的中型轰炸机,被称为“Pe-2”。最后(特别是对北美玩家来说)——我们准备加入有史以来最大最重的轰炸机——空中堡垒。

          IP属地:江苏6楼2017-12-08 18:57
            Q:Any thoughts about future lines in the game, especially British or GAA lines?
            A:Actuallya British branch is right around the corner — the Hawker multiroles are comingin December.

            IP属地:江苏7楼2017-12-08 18:57
              Q:When will premium ammo, consumables, etc. be available for credits as withother WG titles?
              A:Weused to have this in our plans quite a while back, but the idea was scrappedand there’s no intention to bring it back.

              IP属地:江苏8楼2017-12-08 18:58
                Q:When will we see an Italian Tech tree in the game, and could we possibly haveIsraeli planes as premiums?
                A:Thereare no plans to add whole Italian trees at the moment. Nevertheless we mightintroduce some premium machines at some point. As for Israeli air forces, sincethey never designed or produced any warplane but used successful warplanes fromother nations of that time, you might see similar aircraft under Israeli emblemsin the game some day.

                IP属地:江苏9楼2017-12-08 18:58
                  Q:When will we see branches containing planes from Hawker or Grumman?
                  A:TheHawker branch will make its first appearance by winter holidays and willinclude the legendary Hurricane. The second part of the branch including thealmighty Tempest will come in next updates. The lineup is going to be quiteinteresting.

                  IP属地:江苏10楼2017-12-08 18:58
                    Q:Why can’t we have both Team Deathmatch and Conquest mode so we can chose whichone we want to play?
                    A:Atthe moment we consider Conquest mode the most interesting and entertaining.Currently we are working on new game modes that will have new excitingmechanics that will provide our players an experience similar to the old TeamDeathmatch. As for enabling the old game mode alongside the current one —unfortunately, it’s technically impossible. With the amount of changes to theengine and server side that we’ve made WoWP 1.x and WoWP 2.0 are essentiallydifferent games, so having the old game mode online would mean separate serverswith relevant settings and a separate support and development team.

                    IP属地:江苏11楼2017-12-08 18:58
                      Q:Will there be any team battle mode?
                      A:It’spossible but not a priority at this time.

                      IP属地:江苏12楼2017-12-08 18:59
                        Q:When will the next iconic line come?
                        A:Hurricanewarning for December, grab your raincoats, pilots!

                        IP属地:江苏13楼2017-12-08 18:59
                          Q:Do we really need the squall line? Why not let the team with the most pointswin?
                          Q:Squall line. The fact of smashing the plane into the ground just before thesquall line was that intended? Are you happy people doing this? Or are youlooking to correct this?
                          A:Squallline has 3 functions:
                          1.Itserves as a natural time limitation for the battle. Without it the battleswould be 2 minutes longer in general. By that time most players would’veexhausted their respawn attempts, so the last minutes would just draw out thebattle and turn into “hunt down the last GA” or “wait till the scale fills up”.
                          2.Itis a “gamebreaker” — a mechanic that allows a losing team catch up or even makea comeback, which makes gameplay more exciting.
                          3.Allowsskilled players who can fly precisely and shoot accurately decide the outcomeof the battle by shooting down enemies and winning through total elimination ofenemy team.
                          Statswe have show that the squall line is doing what is supposed to quite well.
                          Atthe same time there are some issues with it, and we are working on solvingthem.
                          -Playerswho crash their aircraft right before the squall line triggers to have full HPfor the last part of the battle are a problem. We need a better design to makethis tactic unnecessary or not viable, and we’re working on it.
                          -Squallline right now has no visual representation, which breaks immersion.

                          IP属地:江苏14楼2017-12-08 18:59
                            Q:Will you look into balancing? Some planes are way better than others (Yes, i’mlooking at you Spitfire line and yes i am crying for your funeral Mustangline).
                            A:We’regoing to make a full balancing pass in January-February. We will take a closelook at all the stats we have for all the aircraft, find the outliers and thenevaluate what we can do to fix them. Furthermore, we plan to improve andrebalance some of the existing Premium aircraft. Some of them will be changedquite soon.
                            Asfor altitude fighters like Mustangs, the main issue with them at the moment isthat they barely have any targets at their altitude. Appearance of bombers thatwill be freely available for research will remedy this situation.

                            IP属地:江苏15楼2017-12-08 19:00
                              Q:Will Multirole fighters and other planes carrying bomb loads ever get theirbomb sights back? (Left Shift until 1.9)
                              A:Generallythe more keys you need to play, the more confusing the game gets, especiallyfor new players. Our goal is to avoid adding special features (and keys) thathave no significant effect on gameplay. At the moment we prefer to make bombingand strafing more comfortable for these classes with the default camera mode.

                              IP属地:江苏17楼2017-12-08 19:00