幻影丹尼吧 关注:4,031贴子:86,150




IP属地:澳大利亚来自iPhone客户端1楼2018-06-30 22:53回复
    先讲讲不再躲藏系列!No longer hidden! 讲的是Danny的身份花式曝光!
    <All it Takes is a Sack of Flour>

    IP属地:澳大利亚来自iPhone客户端2楼2018-06-30 23:06
      背景:Canon 官方设定
      梗概:丹尼准备要和帕斯高中的同学一起度过一段“住校时光”(all boys lock-in),他当然并不想去的,但是他爸发明了一件捉鬼神器(什么时候能对儿子好点?),他不得不去学校来避避风头。
      “hey老兄,你像极了Danny Phantom!”一个同学惊叹道。

      IP属地:澳大利亚来自iPhone客户端3楼2018-07-01 00:45

        IP属地:澳大利亚来自iPhone客户端5楼2018-07-01 00:59
          啦啦啦,Phanfic No.2!<Vulnerable Phantom>
          作者:Deedy Fenton
          这实际上是me的第三篇phanfic了,之前在吧里提到过要在小高考后搞定的<Friendly Foe>(亦敌亦友)的续写版虽然是搞定了,无奈我资历尚浅,写的并不是很好,第二篇<Secret Bond>好像烂尾了,讲的是Maddie和Phantom在私底下建立的友谊(白天和Jack一起猎鬼,晚上溜出去和Phantom谈心...),第三篇<Finding Bedsheet>, 说到bedsheet你会想到谁?没错,就是Super Danny,这是一部大的章节小说,主要围绕着丧失部分记忆(记忆被两个人分了)的两个Danny间的故事(尽量不往PitchPearl发展),我打算每个故事单独写,最后再串起来,本篇就是<Finding Bedsheet>里的一节,讲的是Phantom尝试过着人类一样的生活并逐步找回记忆(唔,我有可能会改主意),并没有写完...

          IP属地:澳大利亚来自iPhone客户端6楼2018-07-07 20:11
            # Vulnerable Phantom
            ## Deedy Fenton
            ### One Chapter of FINDING BEDSHEET
            “Ghost!” Jack shouts.
            “Aww!” Phantom yells.
            The guy in orange jumpsuit just flashes a bright ecto-ray, and it hits right on Phantom’s wrist, which cause him groan painfully.
            Thanks god Sam arrived in time, she dashes to Phantom, standing protectingly between the ghost hunters and Phantom.
            “What the hell are you two doing? Mrs. Mr. Fenton, I thought you knew it already!” her eyes are burning angry fire.
            Jack & Maddie’s eyes widen, Maddie opens her mouth but no words coming out.
            Having been hunting Phantom for years, it’s hard to remove their old habit.
            Two hunters drop their weapon and run to Phantom. “Sorry sweetie! I’m not mean to hurt you!”
            Phantom grasps his girlfriend’s arm tightly as two ghost hunters approaching him, hiding from who just shot him.
            Then he tries to turn both himself and Sam invisible and intangible, which to his surprised it just refuses to work.
            “Danny-boy!” Jack calls his name out loud, hoping by doing this could sweep the fear away from Phantom, but end up spooking him.
            Phantom grabs Sam’s hands, he jumps to the sky ready to fly away from the hunters, before Sam could say a word, Phantom lost his balance and fell to the ground, Sam fell right on him.
            “Danny! You need to calm down!” Sam roll off him and pull Phantom up to his feet.
            Phantom whisper fearfully, “I can’t access to any of my power, run Sam!” Phantom just about to push Sam away and run, then Sam holds his shoulders and cry out.
            “STOP PHANTOM! Be reasonable! Listen to me!”
            Phantom shocked, he never heard his girlfriend call him “Phantom” instead of “Danny”, now he knows she’s serious.
            “Look, Danny, they aren’t our enemies, they don’t mean to hurt you, it was just an accident! They’re your parents!”
            Phantom narrows his neon green eyes.
            “But Sam, I can’t remember they’re my parents, and how can they be my parents? They hunt me, nearly kill ...(字数超限

            IP属地:澳大利亚来自iPhone客户端7楼2018-07-07 20:16
              Phantom narrows his neon green eyes.
              “But Sam, I can’t remember they’re my parents, and how can they be my parents? They hunt me, nearly kill me, they’re ghost hunters! That’s the only thing I can remember of them.”
              Those words just hit Maddie hard as well as Jack, Maddie whispers to Phantom, “Danny please…”
              Phantom steps back and grabs Sam’s hands again.
              Oh Danny.” Sam looks into his glowing eyes, “I’ll explain it later okay? Just… calm yourself down okay? You’re safe now, no one gonna hurt you.” Sam mutter, trying to comfort Phantom.
              She gives Phantom a tight hug, she feels his face’s wet, Phantom is weeping!
              “I just don’t get it Sam, how can that two ghost hunters be my parents? They are human! I don’t even know how could a ghost have parents! And even they do, why they’re trying to catch me instead of treating me like their son?”
              Those heartbroken words really hurt Jack and Maddie, tears welling. “Sweetie...please...I’m your mom, and daddy also here...Danny...please...” Maddie starts to choke on her own words, and she try to reach out to Phantom.
              “DON’T TOUCH ME!” Phantom shouts and push Sam away, within a sec, he disappears from others sight.

              IP属地:澳大利亚8楼2018-07-07 20:31
                两名猎人放下他们的武器并跑向幽灵。 “对不起,亲爱的!我不是故意伤害你!“
                那些伤心欲绝的话真的伤害了杰克和麦迪,泪流满面。 “亲爱的......拜托......我是你的妈妈,爸爸也在这里......丹尼......拜托......”麦迪开始喋喋不休地说话,她试图联系幽灵。

                IP属地:澳大利亚9楼2018-07-07 20:42
                  “DON’T TOUCH ME!” Phantom shouts and push Sam away, within a sec, he disappears from others sight.
                  “Wait!” Sam runs to find Phantom, “Danny! Danny!” She cry out his name, Maddie and Jack chase behind her, she turned at a corner, only to find Danny Fenton is there.
                  “What happened Sam? Where’s my parents? Is that a ghost attacking?”
                  Sam let out a desperate sigh, she does found Danny, but wrong one. Then, Fenton sees his exhausting parents, they’re out of their breath, and he also noticed the tears on their faces.
                  Maddie couldn’t held herself anymore and hug Fenton tightly once she saw her son, the human one.
                  “I’m so sorry sweetie...”
                  “wu..What? Sorry for what?”
                  “Hunting you for years!” Maddie cries again.
                  Jack scratch his head violently, “Maddie, we aren’t not looking for...urr, Danny you know.”
                  Confused by his parents words, Fenton glance at Sam.
                  “Danny I know what I’m going to say is weird, just listen okay? You knew that you have lost some memories right?”
                  Fenton nodded, he did.
                  “Your memories are not whole, because you’re not whole! You split yourself into half! That ghost with snow-white hair is your other self.”
                  Fenton’s heart skipped a beat.
                  “Wow, that’s...am I a ghost or something? It’s unbelievable, and true I don’t feel whole, sometime even feel sick, but mom and dad hunt him for years right? That’s what I can remember, I thought he’s an evil ghost.”
                  Jack gaze away from his wife and look around the street, which fills with pure dark.
                  “Well I guess he can’t run far, that shot should disable his ghost power, we should find him.”
                  “Well that’s a good news and a bad news at the same time.” Sam mutter to herself.
                  Later Fenton struggled to free himself from mom, “Mom, dad, its late now, I think he’ll be fine, since he’s me after all, I can tell.”
                  Maddie have no alternative but to agree with her son,
                  “Let’s go home.” Fenton says.

                  IP属地:澳大利亚13楼2018-07-07 21:58

                    IP属地:澳大利亚来自iPhone客户端15楼2018-07-07 23:08
                      Meanwhile, Phantom walking down the street, it’s midnight now, the street is quiet and dark, which is good, he needs that quiet, those conversation still reflecting in his mind, some memories of his family start to fade in.
                      He shakes his head slightly.
                      Will they really are my parents?” Phantom mutters, later he tried to phase through a wall but end up hitting his nose on the bricks. Phantom groan, “Without my power, I can’t do anything!”
                      Phantom accidently reaches to a café, it’s a 24hour obviously, who else will keep lights on and door open in 1 am?
                      Hearing that noise outside the café, the owner comes out to check out.
                      “Can I help you?” the old man asks gently, due to the lack of light, he doesn't know who he is talking to, he could only see the outline of the figure, a teenager he thought.
                      “What about helping me to get my power back?” Phantom says in his mind, he knows that’s impossible.
                      “No thank you, err, maybe I need a place to stay, would you mind?”
                      “No, and you just ran away from home huh?”
                      “Yeah, sorta.” Phantom rubs the back of his neck.
                      The old man pointed out the way for him, then he gasped when the so called teenager sit down in his café, he saw Phantom’s snow-white hair and his glowing green eyes.
                      “You’re Danny Phantom!” the old man shouts.
                      “Well, I thought you knew who I am when you first asked me, if you mind a ghost staying here, I’m leaving now.”
                      “No no no, please Mr. Phantom, I’m glad you here, sorry for not recognize you, I have completely no problem if you decided to stay here.”
                      “Thanks for your kindness, many people think I’m a menace, I’m surprised that you don’t.” Phantom smirk, “Oh, err, what should I call you?”
                      “Alexander Brown, just call me Alex.”
                      “Nice to meet you Alex.”

                      IP属地:澳大利亚来自iPhone客户端16楼2018-07-08 08:55

                        IP属地:澳大利亚来自iPhone客户端17楼2018-07-08 09:14
                          前段时间被各种Phanfics洗脑,Danny各种受伤、剑横穿过他的胃、被Dan捏心脏、被Guys in White做实验...啊啊啊我看不下去啦……我决心要基于我看过的所有Phanfics里的温情故事,单独写一篇Phanfic,一篇温暖感人的、引人思考的Phanfic……没错,情深深雨蒙蒙说的就是我!

                          IP属地:澳大利亚来自iPhone客户端19楼2018-07-08 10:13

                            IP属地:澳大利亚来自iPhone客户端20楼2018-07-08 10:59
                              链接:不存在的(D站文学里搜索Vulnerable Phantom)

                              IP属地:澳大利亚来自iPhone客户端22楼2018-07-08 18:08