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1楼2019-07-31 15:44回复
    Partha (son of Pritha, another name for Kunti).
    Jishnu (the Irrepressible)
    Kiriti (Shining Diadem, which was gifted by Indra)
    Shwethavahana (one of Shining Steeds)
    Bheebhatsu (the Fair Fighter)
    Vijaya (the Victorious)
    Phalguna (one born under the asterism "Uttara Phalguna")
    Savyasachi (one capable of working a bow with either hand)
    Dhananjaya (winner of Great Wealth)
    Gandeevi (the owner of Gandeeva, his bow)
    Krishna (the dark-skinned one, named by Pandu out of his admiration of Krishna)
    Kapidhwaja (With the Monkey banner) as Hanuman sat on his banner. It is mentioned that his banner was of a monkey even before the great war.
    Gudakesha (conqueror of sleep, given in childhood itself, after he started practising archery skills in the dead of night)
    Mahabahu(he has long hands)
    Parantap([THOSE who hard worker in tap/meditation)

    2楼2019-07-31 15:55

      3楼2019-07-31 15:59
        Mahabharata Folk Variations
        作者:Indrajit Bandyopadhyay

        4楼2019-07-31 17:25
          Arjuna’s name as a boy is Permadi.
          He is a religious-minded adventurer who never keeps himself confined within the Karaton (Kuru) wall. Sometimes, he lives as an ascetic, sometimes he goes to remote places to learn from a guru or sometimes he meditates alone.
          Arjuna is also incarnation of Wisnu (Vishnu). In the episode of Kresna’s (Krishna) marriage with Rukmini, both of them appear as Wisnu, fighting each other. It is stopped immediately by Barata Guru. The story appears in Kakawin Harivamsha. This story of Krishna-Arjuna fight has a parallel in a Bengali folk version, though over different issue. In the Tamil ‘Kurkshetra Malai’ too we get Krishna fighting Pandavas who are helped by Duryodhana.
          Arjuna’s wives and sons are many. His wives other than Draupadi are
          1) Dewi Jimambang, the daughter of Begawan Wilwuk from Pringgadani (Hirimba’s kingdom). She falls in love with Arjuna when the Pandavas are cleaning the jungle of Wanamarta to build a new palace. From his father-in-law, Arjuna receives a kind of perfume oil, Jayengkaton. With this perfume oil, the unseen becomes clearly visible.
          2) Princes Subadra, Kresna’s twin sister from the Kingdom of Mandura.
          3) Srikandi(Shikhandi, Draupadi’s sister). After seeing Arjuna at the time of his marriage to Subhadra, she falls in love with him. Srikandi becomes his disciple in archery. After completing her course in archery, Srikandi tells Arjuna that he could be her husband, if he could find a woman who can defeat her in an archery contest. Larasati is appointed by Arjuna. In the contest, Srikandi loses willingly and gains Arjuna. Looks like ‘Dil ki baji jita jang har kar’!
          4) Larasati. ‘Laras’ means ‘to tune-up, feeling relaxed’ etc., ‘Ati’ means ‘heart.’
          5) Arjuna has also several goddess wives. The most beautiful is goddess Supraba. She is also the most beautiful goddess in Khayangan (the abode of gods). He marries Supraba as a gift from Batara Guru (Indra) after defeating Nirwatakawaca (Nivatakabacha), the ogre giant King. The Arjunawiwaha dance-drama (Wayang Wong or Sendratari), Yogyakarta style, describes the marriage between Arjuna and the heavenly nymphs. 0ne day the giant king Newatakawaca from Ngimanimantaka proposes Supraba. Nivatakavacha has a goddess wife, Dewi Prabasini, with whom he has two sons: Bumiloka and Bumisangara and a daughter Mustakaweni. But it is not enough for him. Still he wants to marry Supraba . His request is turned down by the gods. But all the gods are unable to face Newatakawaca. According to the gods, only Arjuna can face him. At that time Arjuna happens to be living as an ascetic.
          Batara Guru, disguised as a king, called Kilatawarna, tests Arjuna’s supernatural powers. First Arjuna is tempted by beautiful nymphs from heaven, including Dewi Supraba, but he cannot be tempted. Then a wild boar (disguise of Mamangmurka, commander-in-chief of Newatakawaca) destroys the plants around Arjuna, who is in meditation. A startled Arjuna takes his bow and arrow and shoots it. To his surprise the boar is shot at the same time by Kilatawarna. The two quarrels and a violent fight ensue. Kilatnwarna is beaten and changes into Batara Guru. This episode is a clear parallel to the Kirata-Arjuna episode in the Indian version, though there is no Shiva here. Batara Guru conveys to Arjuna the real purpose of his visit, and finding that Arjuna is willing to kill Newatakawaca, Batara Guru gives him a magic arrow called Pasupati. Newatakawaca has received no answer from the gods to his proposal and is impatient and angry. When Arjuna approaches him, Newatakawaca stabs him with his weapon called limpung (a short lance). Arjuna pretends that he has been killed, and Supraba comes to tease Newatakawaca, who is delighted and bursts into hilarious laughter. Arjuna uses this opportunity to shoot the Pasupati arrow at the root of Newatakawaca’s tongue, which is his vulnerable spot. Newatakawaca is killed instantly. As a reward the gods marry Arjuna to Supraba and other heavenly nymphs. Arjuna is crowned as king of heaven for seven days with plenty of wives!
          6) Dresanala, the daughter of Betara Brama.
          7) Wilu****, another Goddess.
          8) Duryodhana’s wife Banowati. Arjuna is her secret lover, and after Duryodhana’s death their love affair continues. He marries her. But she is killed by Ashwathama.
          9) After Banowati is killed by Aswa****, Arjuna is very sad. Then he marries Citrahoyi, the widow of Arjunapati, who resembles Banowati.
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          10) Naga-kanya Palupi (Ulupi).
          11) A Rishi-kanya. She is daughter of Resi Sidiwaspada from the abode of Glagahwangi.
          The Indian version of Mahabharata portrays Arjuna as invincible in love and war. The Indonesian version makes him lose in both matters at least once. What’s more, this same story combines Ekalavya-episode, Dhristradumnya-birth-episode and Arjuna’s defeat all in one! Palgunadi is the king of Paranggelang. He wants to be Drona’s student, but Drona refuses, telling him he is too occupied with Pendawa-Korawa education. Palgunadi through meditation creates a statue of Drona. He makes self-training diligently, accompanied by his faithful and beautiful wife, Dewi Anggraini. Later Drona, upon seeing, Palgunadi’s expertise agrees to recognize him as his student. Arjuna challenges Palgunadi to a duel but is defeated. Arjuna protests. Drona is afraid to lose his job in Hastina and by trickery he seeks Palgunadi’s ring heirloom called Roning Ampal. Palgunadi, believing that he is accepted as his student, gives it to Drona. Now he is easily killed by Drona. Palgunadi’s soul vows to take revenge in Baratayuda. He incarnates as Drestajumena (Dhrishtadumnya). In memory of Palgunadi, Drona gives a new name to Arjuna, Palguna. Arjuna now desires Dewi Anggraini. But she refuses his love. She remains loyal to her husband’s memory and rejects Arjuna’s temptation. Arjuna’s falling in love with the Indonesian Ekalabya’s wife, and the Indonesian Ekalabya taking rebirth as Dhrishtadumnya is indeed a gem of a variation!
          Arjuna’s progenies are
          1) Wisanggeni from Dresanala. He is not afraid of anybody. Like Bima and Antasena, he speaks in Ngoko language. His fate is the same as Antasena’s. He disappears mysteriously before Bharatayuddha. In Tamil Peruntevanar’s version of 5th-6th century AD, Aravan, Arjuna’s son, is sacrificed pre-war; to ensure a Pandava victory. The Tamil ‘Aravan Ammanai’ too sings of the sacrifice of Aravan to Kotravai (Durga). The sacrifice is celebrated in Vallalur near Coimbatore.
          2) Wilugangga from Wilu****.

          5楼2019-07-31 18:02
            3) Ongko Wijaya or Abimayu (Abhimanyu) from Subhadra. His wives were – Dewi Utari (Uttara) of Wirata. Their son is Parikesit (Parikhshit). Another of his wife is Siti Sundari, Kresna’s daughter. In the Eleventh-century old Javanese ‘ Kakawin Ghatotkacšraya’, it is Goddess Durga, who comes to the aid of separated lovers, and unites Abhimanyu and Siti Sunadari. Abhimanyu marries Siti Sundari after quite an adventure, helped by Ghatothkacha. Duryodana’s son Lesmana Dakumara is also madly in love with the beautiful Siti Sundari. Abhimanyu and Ghatothkacha have to defeat them, and meanwhile Abhimanyu also finds twin girls – Pregiwa and Pregiwati – who turn out to be Arjuna’s daughters!
            In the Tamil ‘Abimannan Sundari Malai’ of 6600 lines we find the same love story of Abhimanyu and Sundari, daughter of Krishna and Alarmelu Mankai. Sundari is asked for by Duryodhana for his son Lakkunan. Aravan and Ghatotkacha help Abhimanyu to win Sundari with krishna’s blessing. The story has another parallel in the Telugu folk version of ‘Shashirekha Parinayam’, where Ghatothkacha helps Abhimanyu’s marriage with Shashirekha, Balaram’s daughter.
            Once King Duryudana informs his entourage that Wahyu Cakraningrat, or the divine blessing of kingship, is soon to descend to earth to be bestowed on the most worthy. The king summons his son, Lesmana, and commands him to strive for the Wahyu by going on a spiritual retreat in the Krendhayana forest. Meanwhile, in preparing himself to receive the Wahyu, Abimanyu is clearing his mind by taking a journey in an unknown forest, admiring its great beauty. Semar and his three sons accompany him. In passing through dense forest, Abimanyu encounters demon soldiers, who try to expel him from the forest. Abimanyu kills Gendir Penjalin, the Cakil (a giant with two movable arms and a portruding fang) and another demon. The essence of the Wahyu, taking the form of the god Wulandrema, enters Lesmana. The disguised receptacle of the Wahyu, taking the form of a beautiful woman, Wulandremi, attempts to seduce him. Ignoring Durna’s advice, Lesmana succumbs to Wulandremi’s seductive temptations. Wulandrema leaves him. Arjuna and Bima arrive at the scene and are delighted to learn that Abimanyu has received the Wahyu, since this means that Abimanyu’s descendants will be future kings.
            4) Bambang Irawan (Iravan) from Ulupi. He marries Titisari, another daughter of Kresna. He becomes the ruler of the kingdom of Rencang Kencana and is then called Prabu Gambir Anom. Arjuna and Duryodana each wants his own son to marry Krishna’s daughter, Titisari. The plot pits the houses of the Pandawas and the Kurawas against each other, with Krishna in the middle. To complicate matters further, Krishna’s eldest daughter, Siti Sendari has been separated from Abhimanyu as a result of family feud. Into this already complex situation steps the evil ogre king Barandjana. He is consumed by an overwhelming passion for the same young maiden. Fearing that Krishna would laugh at him if he sues for marriage, the ogre king decides he will steal the girl and make her his bride. The resultant confusion permits Siti Sendari to manipulate events. She succeeds in winning her sister’s hand for Iravan, and in the process reunites herself with her own husband, Abhimanyu. In the end, both Duryodana and the ogre king are defeated. The real heroine in this play is Siti Sundari, who uses intelligence and guile to bring about a happy ending. Iravan is killed in a duel in Bharatayuddha along with his enormous and strong enemy- a giant – Kalasrenggi.
            5) Bambang Sumitra, the son of Larasati. Semar, Arjuna’s loyal servant has to arrange the wedding ceremony of Sumitra, because Arjuna is negligent to his other sons. The wedding helped by gods is successful and extravagant.
            6) Priyambada. His mother is a Rishi-kanya, the daughter of Resi Sidiwaspada He helps Shikhandi to recover Kalimasada, the holy heirloom of Yudistira, stolen by the daughter of Niwatakawaca, Mustakaweni. After the recovery the happy-ending is the wedding of Mustakaweni with Priyambada. That Arjuna’s son marries Nivatakabacha’s daughter is indeed remarkable.
            7) Pregiwa and Pregiwati are his two daughters. Their mother is unknown. They are brought up by their grandfather – an old hermit named Begawan Sidikwacana. When they grow-up they ask who their father really is, and the grandfather tells them that their father is Arjuna. Then they set out in search of their father. Abhimanyu rescues them and finally they find their father. Ghatothkacha marries them with Arjuna’s permission. Ghatothkacha becoming Arjuna’s son-in-law is another interesting twist!
            The famous arrow Kuntawijaya(Indra’s Ekaghnni of the Indian version) which could have killed Arjuna, had Karna not used it on Ghatothkacha falls into Karna’s hand by mistake of Batara Guru (Indra). The heirloom Kuntawijaya is an arrow with a case, a gift from Batara Guru for Arjuna. By mistake Batara Narada gives it to Karna, who resembles Arjuna. Karna and Arjuna struggle to obtain the heirloom. Karna gets the arrow while Arjuna gets its case only. This is an explanation how the Ekaghnni falls into Karna’s hand. This incident happens long before Bhima’s marriage to Hirimba.
            Arjuna forgets to pray the safety of his sons to Batara Guru, and prays for the safety of Pandavas only. As a consequence, he becomes indirectly responsible for their death.
            In the Indonesian version Arjuna and Karna have identical looks. Karna-Arjuna resemblance has a parallel in the Malayalam – Cherusseri Bharatham (Bharatagatha). In her swamvara Draupadi looks at Karna with desire, because she confuses Karna for Arjuna.
            Kangsa (our very familiar Kamsha-mama) organizes a “cock fight” to eliminate Krishna-Balaram. Suratrimantra is his cock-fighter. He is sure, Kakrasana(Balaram) and Narayana should appear to see the fight. Then they would be killed. But in the thrilling fight the robust giant Suratrimantra is killed by Bratasena (young Bima). Kangsa is caught and assassinated by Permadi (Arjuna). This is indeed a great twist that Kansha is killed by Arjuna.

            6楼2019-07-31 18:05
              The Indonesian version gives important place to the Pandava servants (the Ponokawans). Everywhere Arjuna goes, he is always escorted by his loyal servant, Semar, accompanied by his sons Gareng, Petruk, Bagong. They are inseparable. Semar is actually God Ismaya and it is his duty to always protect Arjuna. Semar is never tired to give wise advice to Arjuna. It is a unique master-servant relation!

              7楼2019-07-31 18:08
                In Draupadi’s swamvara, one by one archers including king Shalya and Duryodhana fails. When Karna’s term comes, many people believe that he should be the winner, after seeing him raise the bow. But he misses the target and fails. This episode of Karna’s failure has a parallel in a Malayalam folk version — Cherusseri Bharatham (Bharatagatha). Karna fails in his attempt because of Krishna’s act, though there is no elaboration of what this act is. Again, the Tamil Vyasa Bharatam has similar things to say. Karna fails because when he tries to tie the string in the bow, it recoils and hurts him. In the Keralian Bharatmala too Karna fails in the contest along with Jarasandha, Salya, and Sisupala.
                Karna wants to learn Brahmasirah mantra from Drona, but Drona refuses out of affection for Arjuna and also realising Karna’s foul intentions saying, ‘only holy, renounced yogis may know this mantra’. Many years later, Karna hearing a rumour about the death of the Pandavas, throws a big party and promises the people to give anything they want. Then leaving his wife Sutikanti and their seven sons under the care of her father (Shalya), he travels to Mt. Mnidyuti, to Bagawan Pongkatiksna’s holy dwelling. Once there, he meets his father, ‘sang hyang Surya’, who bestows him with Bajra Wijayacopa, a powerful energy weapon. He then travels to Mt. Mahendra to study with Begawan Ramaparasu, who because of Karna’s obedience and skill teaches him all he knows, including Brahmasirah mantra. Parashurama’s subsequent curse is similar to the Indian version.
                The most poignant moment in the Indonesian version is the Karna-Arjuna meeting in the eve of Karna’s first day as the Kaurava army’s commander in chief. Arjuna secretly visits him. He has the most difficult moment in his life. Arjuna suddenly stands in front of him, kneels and greets him respectfully and says clearly, ‘Please accept my sincere respects and Pandava’s respect to you.’ Karna is deeply moved. His eyes are filled with tears. Arjuna proposes to make him the emperor of Hastinapura and hopes that he will join them. They speak emotionally with each other and express love for each other. Finally they decide to adhere by their Kshatriya duties and fight in next day’s battle. Then they embrace each other again without a word and Arjuna leaves with Karna’s permission.
                Next day after Karna kills Ghatothkacha with his Kunto-arrow; Karna’s carriage is torn to pieces, hit by Ghatothkacha’s body falling from the sky. He is thrown away. With no carriage he meets Arjuna directly. He is aware that Arjuna has several heirlooms, which should kill him. But he would be happy to be killed by a mighty, powerful brother. He is happy that his brothers would be glorious rulers in Hastinapur. Finally Arjuna releases his Pasupati arrow piercing Karna through the neck. In the Indian version Karna is beheaded. Karna’s death is mourned deeply by both sides. The Pandava family performs Karna’s funeral rites with full honour. In the Indian version this happens at the end of the war after Kunti reveals Karnas’ identity to the Pandavas.

                8楼2019-07-31 18:10

                  9楼2019-07-31 18:20
                    關於NAMES OF ARJUNA 那裡
                    Other names of Arjuna:
                    Usually in wayang stories a famous figure had several names. The other names of Arjuna are:
                    Kuntadi, as an appreciation that he was very good in the mastering of archery.
                    Dananjaya, he was not materialistic.
                    Margana, he could fly.
                    Parta, a polite man
                    Parantapa, a strong meditator
                    Danasmara, he could take care the love of many women.
                    Endratonaya, the son of god Endra, his real spiritual father.
                    His elder brother Bima always called him Jlamprong (feather of Peacock), his wife Srikandi and Larasati refered him as "My Prince".
                    Subadra the sister of Kresna was treated as his first wife. His son from her was Abimanyu, the father of Parakesit, the future King of Hastina. Srikandi was very clever in the art of archery, in Batarayuda she could kill the mighty Bisma.
                    Arjuna’s marriage with some of his Gurus’ daughters, symbolizing that he could absorb all knowledge given by his Gurus. That kind of thing was common in the old days.
                    Dewi Anggraini, was a lady who refused the love of Arjuna, she remained loyal to her husband and rejected Arjuna’s temptation.
                    In the other hand, once Arjuna refused the love of a goddess by the name of Uruwasi, an aggressive goddess who wanted to make love with him. He declined politely. Of course she became very angry.

                    10楼2019-07-31 18:34
                      1)Dananjaya, he was not materialistic.
                      2)Margana, he could fly.
                      3)Parta, a polite man
                      4)Parantapa, a strong meditator
                      5)Danasmara, he could take care the love of many women.
                      6)Endratonaya, the son of god Endra, his real spiritual father.
                      7)Kuntadi, as an appreciation that he was very good in the mastering of archery.

                      12楼2019-07-31 18:36
                        Incarnation of Wisnu
                        The same as Kresna, Arjuna was also incarnation of Wisnu. In the episode of Kresna’s marriage with Rukmini, both of them had appeared as Wisnu, fighting each other. It was stopped immediately by Barata Guru.
                        這段我猜測可能是指Nara and Narayana

                        13楼2019-07-31 18:39
                          Arjuna's Dilemma (New York's Skirball Center)

                          14楼2019-07-31 18:51
                            Sri Sri Ravi Shankar對德羅納和Eklavya故事的解釋是:德羅納表面上雖然對Eklavya十分殘忍,要求他切下手指奉獻Guru Dakshina給他,但其實德羅納的行為在維護正法(當時有個規定是皇室教師不得向王子以外的人傳授技藝,也不能有像王子一樣強大的人)的層面上,成功的將Eklavya由一位不知名的學生提升至他真正的門徒,滿足了Eklavya想拜德羅納為師的願望之餘,也維護了律法和他對王子的責任。

                            15楼2019-07-31 19:15

                              16楼2019-07-31 19:33