Stranger: hi
Stranger: from?
Stranger: ?
You: hey
Stranger: where r u from
You: Belgien
You: you?
Stranger: ich spreche deutsch kleine
Stranger: do u speak german in belgia
Stranger: ?
You: aha?
Stranger: can you help me something , i want to learn to swear in different languages, how do you say **** you in german
You: I have a Chinese teacher,maybe she can help you
You: do you want to speak Chinese?
Stranger: ok
Stranger: yes
You: ok, I will ask her
You: please wait a minute
Stranger: k
You: a ha , she said in Chinese, **** is 操.
Stranger: how do you pronounce that
You: please wait a minute ,let me ask her again
You: /ʃhau/ in English, cāo in Chinese.
You: oh,Chinese is too difficult..
Stranger: yes it is
You: a ha
You: now do you know hou to say it,操?
Stranger: yes
Stranger: thx
Stranger: now i go
Stranger: bye
You: bye