Stray butterfly come to the silence street to stay and fly away. 迷途的蝴蝶停驻在寂静的街道又悄然离去 Deep in the memory of the summer melt in classical music 深夏的记忆浅淡地融合在那古朴的音乐中
ItoldyouthatIhavemylive, mypath, soIrunawayfromyou. 寒蝉鸣的时节 在那古老甚至颓废的古巷中 是夏夜 We have the future to count the days that are pasting the pupils of my eyes and in my soul. 总会有那么的一天去细数那些镌刻在灵魂中的时光
Butthewindstaysandremembersthesongofthissummerday 风自始至终记得那一首夏日的歌 Whenyouaresilentindeath, yourvoicewillspeak of our past 当你沉浸在死亡的静寂中却依旧能够在过去的时光中吟唱 Light has vanished for ever, the ancient light, in shadows are of the moment 那些古朴的光永远逝去于旧时瞬息的影中 十一月 欲泣的星空寒蝉早已不再 那些陌生的流萤 Fading light go into my window The far-away summer