And the story goes she never forgave him. She looked out the window her whole life, the way so many women sit their sadness on an elbow. I wonder if she made the best with what she got or was she sorry because she couldn't be all the things she wanted to be. 后来她永远没法原谅她。 她用一生向窗外凝望,像许多女人那样凝望,胳膊肘支起忧伤。 我想知道她是否随遇而安; 是否会为做不成她想做的人而伤怀。
There’s that wide puffy cloud that looks like your face when you wake up after falling asleep with all your clothes on. 那边有种宽宽的胖乎乎的云朵,有点像你没脱衣服就睡着以后醒来的脸。
Nobody looked up not once the day Angel Vargas learned to fly and dropped from the sky like a sugar donut, just like a falling star, and exploded down to earth without even an "Oh." 那天安琪·法加斯学飞的时候,也没人抬头看一下。她像甜甜圈一样从天上掉下来,就像一颗坠落的流星,砸在地上哦都没哦出一声。 ——《芒果街上的小屋》 - 原楼主::::有些无奈和悲伤根本不用什么起伏的情节,煽情的描写。就这样简单的。甚至还用上了与美好事物联系的比喻。“像甜甜圈”“像坠落的流星” 却是与"nobody looked up not once the day".连在一起。却是"exploded down to earth without even an 'Oh' " 有时候可能是因为习惯了那种铺垫,那种曲折描绘,起伏情节,甚至老套的煽情。 所以当这样简单,直白,从一个孩子的视角所表达出的种种无奈,才会显得更为戳人。 经常听到一种说法是。 小孩子的话是最伤人的。因为直白且真实。 这也许就是为何在芒果街上的小屋中始终有着淡淡的无奈和忧伤。 也许是小孩子的她还不懂。可是我们懂得。所以无奈。
Marin, under the streetlight,dancing by herself, is singing the same song somewhere. I know. Is waiting for a car to stop, a star to fall, someone to change her life. 玛琳,街灯下独自起舞的人,在某个地方唱着同一首歌, 我知道,她在等一辆小汽车停下来,等一颗星星坠落,等一个人改变她的生活。