战舰世界吧 关注:728,771贴子:24,999,900

2016/08/07 法语QA



IP属地:陕西1楼2016-08-08 01:45回复
    First EU WoWS Q&A, translated by Ph3lan (WG staff) from French a few days ago. Excuse the poor formatting.
    第一个欧服的QA,几天前由Ph3lan (WG员工)从法语翻译。

    IP属地:陕西3楼2016-08-08 01:46

      IP属地:日本来自iPhone客户端4楼2016-08-08 01:47

        IP属地:云南来自Android客户端6楼2016-08-08 01:47
          2. Q: Are you planning any kind of official league / nice big tournament before the clans will be launched?
          A: So far we have only been organizing big, server wide event like the Grand Naval Battles, Project R, etc. Organizing a tournament would require using the training room and this is a feature of the game which we are still not ready to incorporate into the game.
          Q: 你们有准备在战队系统推出之前举办任何大型的比赛吗
          A: 目前为止我们只举办了一下面向整个服务器的大型活动,比如Grand Naval Battles, Project R. 组织一个比赛需要用到训练房而我们还没有准备好把这个特性加入游戏。

          IP属地:陕西7楼2016-08-08 01:48
            3. Q: When are you going to finally unify gold from WoT/WoWp with doubloons in WoWs as you promised at the beginning of the game? it shouldn’t be a problem as doubloons have the same value as gold. There are players who bought big packages of gold in WoT/WoWp because they’ve been told the economy is going to be unified and they feel like they’ve been cheated
            When the free XPs are going to be unified, as it was promised?
            Are gold and doubloons going to be unified? Currently is not possible to change your name with doubloons, but only with gold for example.
            A: Consolidation of the accounts is a staged process. So far, the announcement from September 2015 still stands: Currently Premium Time is unified for the whole World of trilogy, as are logins, passwords, account names. Information about any further unification will come with a separate announcement.
            Q: 你们以前说好的金币和全局经验和WOT的都通用的呢?
            A: 账户信息统一分阶段。到目前为止,2015年9月的通知说了:高级账户全WG游戏通用,同时还有用户名和密码。更多的信息同步将在以后有不同的通知。

            IP属地:陕西8楼2016-08-08 01:48

              IP属地:浙江来自iPhone客户端9楼2016-08-08 01:48
                Q: Is it possible to ask players in-game about what do they think about MM before the battle and not after it? Players are most of the time emotional after the battle and they tend to say MM was bad just because they lost (which is not necessarily MM’s doing) or the other way around, just because they want to be fast done with it. Sometimes players would like to check the table and check it before responding, but they can’t see it until they click their answer there.
                A: The same argument can be turned around: Before battle players may have some preconceived notion that is then disproved by actual battle result (such as winning against the odds) – we prefer to ask when the battle is ended as that way players see if it worked out or not.
                Q: 能不能把每局结束之后对分房机制的调查放在游戏开始之前?这样的话玩家就不会因为输了而乱写,有时候这并不是分房系统的锅
                A: 我同样可以说,游戏开始之前玩家以为分房很差,但是最后结果表示并不是这样的。我们还是愿意把它放在游戏结束之后,玩家就可以看到分房到底好不好。

                IP属地:陕西10楼2016-08-08 01:49

                  来自Android客户端11楼2016-08-08 01:49

                    IP属地:陕西15楼2016-08-08 01:54
                      Q: When can we expect to have the chat box fixed in game?
                      A: As above
                      Q: 游戏内聊天框什么时候修复?
                      A: 同上
                      Q: Is there a MM rule (similar to the one in WoT) where you cannot be the bottom tier more than 3 times in a row?
                      A: Currently we do not have this rule, on average players are spread evenly thorugh all possible setups – though it may obviously happen that if you are in a wrong place at a wrong time, you get a short end of the stick.
                      Q: 有没有一个分房的规则(像WOT一样),你不会被连续三次垫底
                      A: 目前还没有,平均来讲玩家是被分布在所有可能的位置,当然也有可能你有一段时间就是运气特别差。

                      IP属地:陕西17楼2016-08-08 01:55
                        Q: When are we going to fix the in-game research options (for example: other players, etc.)
                        A: Not sure what is meant here.
                        Q: 我们什么时候修复游戏内调查选项(举个栗子:别的玩家,等)
                        A: 不是很懂你在说什么
                        Q:What are the current plans for changes to carriers in the game, to no longer be big game-changers, but still fun to play?
                        Are we going to nerf the CVs this year again?
                        Are we going to implement changes in the carriers’ mechanism?
                        A: We are currently not too happy with how carriers play out – we are planning to rework them and hopefully make them more fun for all players involved. Stay tuned!
                        Q: 有计划改变航妈吗?让航妈对局势的影响不那么巨大,但依然十分有趣
                        A: 我们目前对航妈也不是很满意 - 我们正在考虑重做他们,希望能把他们变得对所有玩家都更有趣。保持关注!

                        IP属地:陕西18楼2016-08-08 01:58
                          Q: Are we going to implement more commander skills?
                          A: Possibly – while our latest update moved one of the most used ones to default skill, the captain skill tree will change and will see more updates in the future.
                          Q: 我们会加入新的船长技能吗
                          A: 有可能 – 我们最新一个更新把最常用的技能变成了默认技能, 船长技能树在未来将会改变,并且我们会见到更多的更新。

                          IP属地:陕西20楼2016-08-08 02:00

                            IP属地:上海来自Android客户端21楼2016-08-08 02:01