卷五 序章 读完了,开心的是经过前三卷的洗礼,这篇读的速度很快,好像1个小时就读完了,查的单词不到20个,只有一个是之前没有查过的……我这记性……唉…… 但是读序言是最最痛苦的事情,整整10页念完才知道作者在说什么。之前读卷三的时候也是这样,但是至少卷三的序言我一开头就知道是守夜人里面的Chett。 开篇以为是布兰或者囧的狼梦,然而并不是,而且什么Haggon,Lump,Varamyr一会是同一个人,一会又分开,日!好不容易知道说的是Varamyr,结果满脑子又在想,Haggon是谁…… 但是读完以后发现,还***没明白,这篇说的啥?最后到底发生了什么,感觉他进入Thistle以后就跟嗑药了一样,整个儿High起来了……是因为他进入了那个女人,然后那个女人咬舌自尽,结果他才死了,死了以后飞起来了?我TMD差点以为这篇说的是三眼乌鸦的诞生 She sucked down a mouthful of the frigid air, and Varamyr had half a heartbeat to glory in the taste of it and the strength of this young body before her teeth snapped together and filled his mouth with blood. 这句话看了八遍…… 那个女人把舌头吐出来以后怎么他就附身鱼梁木了? 他到底是怎么死的?他最后看到Thistle的时候是以什么形态(最后他好像没有附身在三只狼身上,那他是怎么上去的?)?最后几句话的时候他有没有变成Wight? 扫了一遍中文翻译,我基本没有理解错什么……卷五的翻译是Z大发给我的,那个PDF上好像说是网络翻译,不是CX翻译的……
卷四的序章我读了3个小时…… 30分钟搞清楚了出场的四个人物,然后30分钟明白了他们是在喝酒的地方玩射箭,靠!什么酒馆可以玩射箭的? 等LEO出场彻底晕菜,每个人都有绰号。一直以为Acolyte是跟炼金术士有关的,被误导半小时。 As great a maester as once he’d been, now his robes concealed soiled smallclothes oft as not, and half a year ago some acolytes found him weeping in the Library, unable to find his way back to his chambers. 不错,他曾经很伟大,现在却连用长袍遮掩脏污的内衣都做不到, 半年前,几个助理学士发 现他在图书馆哭泣,因为找不到回房的路。 翻译错了
刚才我序言朗读了一边,出声的,整整45分钟……我好慢啊 Upriver, the domes and towers of the Citadel rose on both sides of the river, connected by stone bridges crowded with halls and houses. 桥上盖房子? Lazy Leo多大了?怎么会跟这些小毛孩子这么熟?他可是Mace Tyrell的堂兄弟啊…… She was the oldest of the serving wenches at the Quill and Tankard, forty if she was a day 啥叫she was a day?
My brother Balon made us great again, which earned the Storm God’s wrath. He feasts now in the Drowned God’s watery halls, with mermaids to attend his every want. I bet mermaids number exactly two-and-seventy...... arah whuackblaaaaaaaaaaa
Aeron feasted on goat for a year, and named the longship Golden Storm, though Balon threatened to hang him from her mast when he heard what sort of ram his brother proposed to mount upon her prow. What had Aeron planned to mount upon the prow of his longship as a ram? A goat or the model of his penis?