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1楼2018-06-20 01:25回复
    @Truth_Lover 上次说的那篇文章,我找出来了。有空我会翻译成中文。

    3楼2018-06-20 01:27
      “你确定要这样一意孤行。” 她继续道,“一旦恢复原记忆,便无法再次抹去。”
      “我希望要回我的真实记忆。仅此而已。” 我很不耐烦,“为什么每个人都觉得这是世界末日?”
      “世界末日倒不一定,” 她说,“但当初你选择植入人工记忆是有原因的 - 你无法应付真实发生过的事情。”

      4楼2018-06-20 01:47
        “我不知道为什么我会选择用假的记忆代替真的记忆。” 我的声音低低的,像在自言自语。“我知道在我身上发生了一些可怕的事情,我知道我应付不了它。我知道这个。但我现在,我现在不能忍受我对过去的一无所知。”

        5楼2018-06-20 01:51

          6楼2018-06-20 01:52
            “你知道嘛,” 她调过脸对我说道,“记忆,是一件很奇怪的东西。即使处于最佳状态,它也是具有高度的选择性的。我们故意记住那些快乐的时光,而另一边又想尽办法忘记痛苦的回忆。即使没有机器或者科技的帮助,人也会自行选择这样做。”

            8楼2018-06-20 01:57

              9楼2018-06-20 06:04
                Dr. White said to me, "I need several minutes to locate your file."
                She was looking directly at me, full of emotions that I couldn't identify.
                "I can wait."
                "But are you sure you want to do this," she continued, "the procedure can't be reversed."
                "I just want to get my memory back. That's all," I lashed out, "why everyone is treating it as the end of the world?"
                "not the end of the world," she said, "not necessarily, but you did choose to replace the original memory with an artificial one. There was a reason why you did that - you could cope."

                10楼2018-06-20 09:41
                  Tears filled my eyes.
                  Everything became blurry.
                  "I didn't know why I needed to replace my memory with a fake one." My voice was muffled as if I was talking to myself. "I knew something bad happened and I couldn't cope. THAT, I knew. But right now, I can't bear not knowing everything. "
                  I turned my face to her. "I want to know what happened. I want to know the real me. I don't want to be the person whose life has been built on a lie."

                  11楼2018-06-20 09:41
                    And silence.
                    After a few moments, she entered something into the computer and looked up at the screen.

                    12楼2018-06-20 09:42
                      "You know, " she turned her face to me and said, "memory is a strange thing. At best, it is selective. We deliberately mark the happy occasions and we try so hard to forget the bad things. Humans do this on their own, without any help from machines or technologies."
                      She challenged me, "so, tell me, what's the difference between forgetting on your own and forgetting with help from machines?"

                      13楼2018-06-20 09:42
                        "Because there is a baseline, " I couldn't believe the naivety of her question, "even if I wanted to fool myself by forgetting parts of my life, I couldn't do such a great job to forget entirely, to a point that I don't know who I am anymore."
                        My voice started to fade away, "I am OK if parts of my life are fake. But to be a complete lie, that's unacceptable."

                        14楼2018-06-20 09:42
                          "Constructing a new and comprehensive background is necessary for your recovery. " She was looking at the computer screen again. I felt the intention of avoiding me. She continued, "Don't you get it? What we do is trying to build a new life for you guys. It's a new beginning. A second chance to be happy."
                          "But I am not happy. " I insisted. "Without knowing what happened to me, I couldn't be happy."
                          I implored her, "I just want to know what happened. "

                          15楼2018-06-20 09:42
                            Evidently, she was disturbed. She started to lose her patience.
                            "Then what? Let's say somehow you discover the truth. What if the truth is something truly unbearable? What if the truth brings out so much pain? Then what?"
                            And again silence. I didn't know how to answer that question.

                            16楼2018-06-20 09:42
                              "I had a patient," her voice suddenly became soft, "she had postpartum depression and she killed her baby boy. After that, she couldn't live with herself and she tried to commit suicide several times. "
                              I laughed out loud, with contempt, "so you played God. You made her forget and somewhere she is a whole again."
                              "Exactly!" She embraced my contempt. "Forgetting saved her. So much pain and so much misery, just like that, gone. How is that a bad thing?"
                              There was a slightly detectable weariness in her voice, "what if that person is you? Why on earth would you want to recall that?"

                              17楼2018-06-20 09:42