namespace = cheating
cheating.0001 = {
hidden = yes
immediate = {
create_artifact_al_dawat_effect = { OWNER = this }##al-Dawat
create_artifact_al_hafir_effect = { OWNER = this }#al-Hafir
create_artifact_pedestal_al_jabal_effect = { OWNER = this }#al-Jabal
create_artifact_al_sayf_al_khass_effect = { OWNER = this }#al-Sayf al Khass
create_artifact_al_taj_crown_effect = { OWNER = this }#al-Taj al-Sharif
create_artifact_pedestal_al_yatima_effect = { OWNER = this }#al-Yatima
create_artifact_abhidhamma_pitaka_effect = { OWNER = this }#Abhidhamma Pitaka
create_artifact_afarganyu_effect = { OWNER = this }#Afarganyu
create_artifact_arms_of_alexander_effect = { OWNER = this }#Alexander's Armor
create_artifact_aruval_effect = { OWNER = this }#Ancient Aruval
create_artifact_kantele_effect = { OWNER = this }#Ancient Kantele
create_artifact_angelicas_ring_effect = { OWNER = this }#Angelica's Ring
create_artifact_aram_effect = { OWNER = this }#Aram
create_artifact_sculpture_ark_of_covenant_effect = { OWNER = this }#Ark of the Covenant
create_artifact_ascalon_effect = { OWNER = this }#Ascalon
create_artifact_sculpture_babr_e_bayan_effect = { OWNER = this }#Babr-e Bayan
create_artifact_wall_banner_thankfulness_effect = { OWNER = this }#Banner of Thankfulness
create_artifact_pedestal_branch_relic_boog_effect = { OWNER = this }#Branch of Somb, the First Tree on Earth
create_artifact_pedestal_branch_relic_hinduism_effect = { OWNER = this }#Branch of one of the Wish-Granting Kalpavrikshas
create_artifact_pedestal_branch_relic_slavic_effect = { OWNER = this }#Branch of the Tree of Life standing on the rock Alatyr
create_artifact_bronze_head_effect = { OWNER = this }#Bronze Head
create_artifact_khanda_effect = { OWNER = this }#Ceremonial Khanda
create_artifact_chinese_caligraphy_effect = { OWNER = this }#Chinese Calligraphy
create_colada_effect = { OWNER = this }#Colada
create_artifact_pedestal_justinian_effect = { OWNER = this }#Crown of Justinian
create_artifact_nikephoros_crown_effect = { OWNER = this }#Crown of Nikephoros II Phokas
create_artifact_crystal_carving_effect = { OWNER = this }#Crystal Carving
create_artifact_pedestal_cup_jamshid_effect = { OWNER = this }#Cup of Jamshid
create_artifact_curtana_effect = { OWNER = this }#Curtana
create_artifact_dagger_of_rostam_effect = { OWNER = this }#Dagger of Rostam
create_artifact_pedestal_david_harp_effect = { OWNER = this }#David's Harp
create_artifact_wall_banner_kaviani_effect = { OWNER = this }#Derafsh Kaviani
create_artifact_dhammapada_effect = { OWNER = this }#Dhammapada
create_artifact_dragvandil_effect = { OWNER = this }#Dragvandil
create_artifact_durendal_effect = { OWNER = this }#Durendal
create_artifact_excalibur_effect = { OWNER = this }#Excalibur
create_artifact_pedestal_great_diamond_effect = { OWNER = this }#Great Diamond
create_artifact_edmund_head_effect = { OWNER = this }#Head of St. Edmund
create_artifact_ibeji_effect = { OWNER = this }#Ibeji
create_artifact_pedestal_ikenga_effect = { OWNER = this }#Ikenga
create_artifact_wall_banner_edessa_effect = { OWNER = this }#Image of Edessa
create_artifact_pedestal_crown_iron_effect = { OWNER = this }#Iron Crown of Lombardy
create_artifact_jewelled_danda_effect = { OWNER = this }#Jeweled Danda
create_artifact_joyeuse_effect = { OWNER = this }#Joyeuse
create_artifact_kaves_apron_effect = { OWNER = this }#Kave's Apron
create_artifact_essen_crown_effect = { OWNER = this }#Kinderkrone
create_artifact_kladenets_effect = { OWNER = this }#Kladenets
create_artifact_legbiter_effect = { OWNER = this }#Legbiter
create_artifact_makarakundala_effect = { OWNER = this }#Makarakindala
create_artifact_mantle_of_the_prophet_effect = { OWNER = this }#Mantle of the Prophet
create_artifact_sword_mmaagha_kamalu_effect = { OWNER = this }#Mmaagha Kamalu
create_artifact_monomachus_crown_effect = { OWNER = this }#Monomachus Crown
create_artifact_pedestal_koh_i_noor_effect = { OWNER = this }#Mountain of Light
create_artifact_nagelring_effect = { OWNER = this }#Nagelring
create_artifact_navaratna_effect = { OWNER = this }#Navaratna
create_artifact_olifant_effect = { OWNER = this }#Olifant
create_artifact_papal_tiara_effect = { OWNER = this }#Papal Tiara
create_artifact_peacock_throne_effect = { OWNER = this }#Peacock Throne
create_artifact_sculpture_cabinet_pentapyrgion_effect = { OWNER = this }#Pentapyrgion
create_artifact_robe_kassapa_effect = { OWNER = this }#Piece of Kassapa's Robe
create_artifact_qadib_al_mulk_effect = { OWNER = this }#Qadib al-Mulk
create_artifact_quernbiter_effect = { OWNER = this }#Quern-Biter
create_artifact_reichskrone_effect = { OWNER = this }#Reichskrone
create_artifact_ruyi_effect = { OWNER = this }#Ruyi
create_artifact_zomorrodnegar_effect = { OWNER = this }#Shamshir-e Zomorrodnegar
create_artifact_pedestal_shankha_conch_effect = { OWNER = this }#Shankha Conch
create_artifact_siddhachakra_effect = { OWNER = this }#Siddhachakra
create_artifact_skull_cap_charlemagne_effect = { OWNER = this }#Skull Cap of Charlemagne
create_artifact_sledovik_effect = { OWNER = this }#Sledovik
create_artifact_spear_of_the_prophet_effect = { OWNER = this }#Spear of the Prophet
create_artifact_staff_kakusandha_effect = { OWNER = this }#Staff of Kakusandha
create_artifact_throne_scone_effect = { OWNER = this }#Stone of Scone
create_artifact_sutta_pitaka_effect = { OWNER = this }#Sutta Pitaka
create_artifact_wall_sword_attila_effect = { OWNER = this }#Sword of God
create_artifact_wall_muhammad_sword_effect = { OWNER = this }#Sword of Muhammad
create_artifact_szczerbiec_effect = { OWNER = this }#Szczerbiec
create_artifact_throne_charlemagne_effect = { OWNER = this }#Throne of Charlemagne
create_artifact_throne_solomon_effect = { OWNER = this }#Throne of Solomon
create_artifact_wall_cid_sword_effect = { OWNER = this }#Tizona
create_artifact_turquoise_throne_effect = { OWNER = this }#Turquoise Throne
create_artifact_vinaya_pitaka_effect = { OWNER = this }#Vinaya Pitaka
create_artifact_konagamana_effect = { OWNER = this }#Water Filter of Koṇāgamana
控制台输入:event cheating.0001
