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Developer Q&A - Session 10


Would it be possible to consider more placesfor decals (sides/back of turret) and would you consider introducing moredecals (more numbers and letters, shapes and signs preferably)?
In the (albeit not-so-near) future, we plan toallow players to put the decals wherever they want on the vehicle. However, atthe moment, we are not planning to add any "static" spots on existingvehicles.

IP属地:广东来自Android客户端1楼2017-09-04 23:56回复
    When will the French vehicles be released?
    We are working on those, but they won't appearin one of the near updates. You can expect likely around the end of 2017.
    A:我们正为之努力(S∞N),但是他们不会在最近几次更新中出现。你可以期待它们在年末登场的可能性。Why is percentage of penetrations a factor forthe armor model, is there a "target" number the developers are aimingfor and why ?
    Achieving a certain penetration percentage byitself is not a balance goal per se. The actual goal, when rebalancing anyvehicle, is to find an optimal solution, a blend of realism, gameplay andvehicle diversity. Something like:
    "This tank will have a vulnerable lowerfrontal plate but a well armored turret and an ERA kit on its sides that willoffer some protection even against kinetic rounds, a setup that corresponds toits armor layout in real life, resulting in a vehicle that's good in hulldownposition and during flanking maneuvers with its own flanks exposed but is notgreat when going head to head against other vehicles in the open when its lowerfrontal plate is exposed."
    The penetration percentage statistic is one ofthe tools that allow us check if the tank corresponds to our vision for it,both when it comes to the balancing process itself and when it comes to lookingfor potential bugs. Of course, some values of the penetration percentage definitelyshow that there is a problem somewhere. For example, if only 33 percent orfewer hits penetrate the vehicle, it indicates that the tank armor is wronglyconfigured, possibly by its weakspots being too small (the infamouspixel-hunting).

    IP属地:广东来自Android客户端2楼2017-09-04 23:56
      Do you plan to make all vehicle classes equallyplayable in PvE? Currently, light AFVs are underperforming.
      Yes, we are planning to address the usefulnessof AFVs in PvE when it comes to both scouting and firepower. Some changes, suchas the improvements to the CRAB, SPHINX, T-15, BMP and BMD series AFVs, areplanned for the near future.

      IP属地:广东来自Android客户端3楼2017-09-04 23:56
        Will you improve the handling of wheeledvehicles? Some feel uncontrollable.
        Yes, we are planning to improve the wheeledvehicle handling, specifically the wheel turning rate and handling at highspeeds.

        IP属地:广东来自Android客户端4楼2017-09-04 23:56
          How are you planning to improve the popularityof the Global Operations mode? It seems dead.
          We have big plans for this mode. We can'tdisclose them right now, but you might have noticed that the income in thismode was increased by 50 percent, making it profitable indeed.

          IP属地:广东来自Android客户端5楼2017-09-04 23:57
            Why do all Soviet tank HEAT rounds have higher penetrationthan kinetic rounds? In the majority of cases, HEATs are ineffective againstenemy armor.
            In real life, the HEAT penetration ofhomogenous armor is higher than the one of kinetic shells. However, kineticammunition performs better against spaced armor and composite armor. In orderto make the shell system easier to understand, we are planning to make severaladjustments to shell mechanics in Update 0.21 and to add the armor inspectorfeature in the future.

            IP属地:广东来自Android客户端6楼2017-09-04 23:57
              When will you overhaul the M60-2000 and theChallenger FALCON premium tanks? They are currently practically unplayable.
              They will be significantly improved in one ofthe updates coming in the near future. For example, FALCON will no longerreceive full damage when its unmanned turret is hit.

              IP属地:广东来自Android客户端7楼2017-09-04 23:57